Does hanzo really need lunge?

But it’s okay for zen to get dove on? He has no escape abilities


Zen is a healer and provides value without literally having to shoot once by just healing and discord.

Very different heroes but since most of you don’t understand balance you actually think this comparison makes sense.

Because Genji is a flanker and has a no cooldown double jump which is what allows him to fully abuse wall climb.

Mccree roll isn’t as versatile as Hanzo’s lunge because he has hard CC and the ability fully reloads his M1.

You can’t compare abilities in a vacuum.

All of his weaknesses are still there and have been explained in the thread many times already.

According to the other guy, Hanzo is also a flanker because he’s not a sniper. Plus, they removed the abuse for wall climb, which means it’s no longer a relevant argument.

Which doesn’t deny my point. Why would he try to compare two completely different abilities and try to make them out to be the same?


Because Mccree’s roll is infact mobility. It isn’t as good as Hanzo’s because of the other strengths Mccree has i mentioned before, but Roll is still mobility.

The point is that every DPS in this game has mobility or something that allows them to survive longer in combat.

There’s no point arguing with people who delude themselves to support their bias. I admit I’m biased but at least I don’t distort facts to my liking to “win” an argument.

He doesn’t really need it, but removing it wouldn’t make him worse.

I don’t mind lunge…
since if he didn’t have lunge, he’d probably have something else like scatter alongside storm arrows!

Yes, and so does every other Hero. Even the ones that you would think don’t, like Zen or Sym, have rechargeable shields, which is a Form of survivability.

He’s a sniper, his supposed weakness should be a lack of mobility yet he has lunge and 0 CD wall climb.

Remove lunge and put a 3-5 CD on wall-climb or outright remove it.

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If youre gonna give cd to wallclimb you might as well remove it.

no it doesnt


Do you think that butt happens naturally?


Let’s make a hero who can OHKO at range with no Telegraph on their primary attack.

Also blizzard: and you know how in those games where there’s guns that are good strong range but their weakness is short range?

Well ef that! Well make this weapon also work as a machine gun

Also, also blizzard: and if being lethal at long AND close range doesn’t do the job will give this hero the ability to escape by lunging away.

Also, also also blizzard: and Incase THAT isn’t far enough to escape someone who dove you that you couldn’t kill long or close range.

Well let you climb walls too with no cooldown

Also, also also also blizzard: and let’s give him wall hacks just to be in the safe side.

Nearly anyone who doesn’t main this hero:


Yes, it does. Video proves it.

their scale for 10 meters isnt even close to the real world measurement. the video proves nothing other than blizzards units are off. hanzo actually jumps like 8 feet, less than half of 10 meters

hanzo himself would be like 5 meters tall on that scale, which is ridiculous

He could do most of that back when he was Z-tier.

I am not talking about real life?

yeah but you are all OMG hanzo leaps 10 M!!! nerf this hard

that 10 “meters” is really like 8 feet, which isnt shlt. it doesnt need nerfed

Because 10m’s in game is still a sizeable amount of movement on a 5 second cooldown. It enables hanzo to outpace and kite two of the three existing dive tanks.

Real life has no bearing in video game mechanics.

Talk about a waste of a conversation.

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