Does hanzo really need lunge?

you didnt understand what i meant.

i wrote it like that because im american and think of units in feet. so i just did the conversion and there is no way in hell that lunge goes 32 feet.

It doesn’t. They tried to bullshit jumping in a direction and lunge as a combined ability.

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“Just kill them 4head who needs mobility or survivability”

Big if true.

I don’t think you understand how balancing works. You can’t have tons of damage at all ranges, which includes immediately in front of you, and an escape ability that allows you to negate what was supposed to be your weakness. That’s isn’t balanced. The other heroes he posted have some other weaknesses, let’s go over some of them shall we?

Ashe isn’t great at short range, if she spams her primary fire, then she’s reloading for an extremely long time. She either uses coach gun to get far enough away to scope in and do lots of damage or she wastes all her ammo to kill the enemy. Hanzo doesn’t have this weakness as he can spam arrows at any range with no downside.

Bastion is extremely slow with a huge Hitbox, he also needs to be completely stationary to output his large DPS, which is a huge downside. Hanzo doesn’t have to do this as he can jump, lunge, and run while shooting and dealing lots of damage.

Doomfist has an extremely short range, or he needs to be right next to the enemy to do any major damage. All his abilities take him within melee range of enemies, putting him in immediate danger, which is why he needs the shield gain so he doesn’t die. Hanzo doesn’t have this weaknesses because he can use all of his abilities at any range with absolutely no drawbacks.

You can’t give a Hero no weaknesses and say it’s balanced. Because it’s not balanced.


It’s not like he needs it to escape getting dived on. He’d just use storm arrow and kill it

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If you think he has no weaknesses you’re blinded by your prejudice


Because everyone knows only one hero can dive hanzo at any given moment. 2 or more heroes diving him would just be preposterous

If it takes two heroes to take down one hanzo. I wouldn’t be surprised if he could still make it out with well aimed storm arrows.

You would think the honor of multiple people diving one character would go to the supports

Please inform us all, then, of the weaknesses? You can’t say “he has some” and then completely skip over it by not saying what they are.

It doesn’t take 2 heroes, but if you’re really so worried you may as well.

His weaknesses are lack of mobility, low firerate, bad/outclassed at long range, outclassed at close range, at midrange he’s strongest but mccree buff really puts him in a bad spot

Negated by wall climb and lunge.

Negated by storm arrows.

Only by Widow. One hero shouldn’t be the only counter to another.

Not with storm arrows.

You talk about me having prejudice, but you’re talking about pre-rework Hanzo still?


In game measurements it sure does.

Lunge and wallclimb don’t negate lack of mobility. Wallclimb isn’t a combat ability, it’s predictable, slow, buggy, and you can’t shoot during it. At best it gets you to high ground faster than some heroes. And you’re really calling a 5m hop mobility? Do you consider mccree mobile with his roll?

“Only by widow” as if hanzo needs to be countered at long range. He doesn’t. He’s not a longe range threat.

And he is outclassed at close range storm arrows or not. Tracer, genji, doomfist, mccree, etc all more often than not will beat hanzo 1 on 1

And where am I talking about pre-rework hanzo?

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10m hop. It is effectively a 10m hop when combined with the jump that is required to use it.

Even if you don’t count the jump the lunge is 7.75m

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It doesn’t need to be a combat ability to be a mobility ability. Genji uses the same ability and it is considered a huge part of his mobility along with double jump. Why is Hanzo excluded from this when he has the same thing?

Read above.

Roll can’t be used in midair and has a longer cooldown than lunge. You’re really going to bring up another heroes ability when it’s outclassed completely by the one we’re talking about?

You’re going to ignore the fact that I was responding to you saying he was outclassed at long range then? Cherry picking arguments to make you seem right is the best way to win arguments.

You’re talking about pre-rework by saying he has a bunch of weaknesses from back then, when they got removed when he was reworked.


Good discussion mate. Get proven wrong. Calls everyone stupid for doing so.


Unless they increase primary arrow speed even further ; ) ; )

Let him keep lunge, it was more mobililty as a tradeoff. Remove Storm Arrow


I was going to respond but I think everyone else picked apart your argument.
What you said was wild