Does Dragonstrike Need a Nerf?

The ability isn’t that strong, however since the storm arrow buff he does just get dragon strike faster now.

No he Doesn’t need nerf

Just make Dragonstrike not affected by Mercy’s damage boost, problem solved

Yeah that is pretty much it

Dragon strike on its own isn’t too insane but it’s really powerful when combo’d

This is pretty much like wanting to nerf pharah because she’s really strong with a mercy pocketing her

Cutting off the damage boost seems pretty reasonable given that it kills people through trans and isn’t exactly hard to do

Question is do we let damage boosting ultis still increase its damage or not

The arrow doesn’t go through walls it hits the wall then dragon goes through

dva can counter it as well by booping him.

And that shouldn’t happen. At least his ult could require some game sense.

It’s this.

If Dragonstrike actually needed a nerf, Hanzo wouldn’t be trash tier without Zarya in the meta.

Dragonstrike isn’t the issue, its never changed since launch (least I don’t think it has)

Remind me again why ONE ult should be able to counter TWO? One of which takes forever to get unless you are lucky and face off against opponents who are as smart as a rock.

Hanzo’s nerf to his storm bow already “reduced his ult gain”. So technically speaking. You already got what you wanted. Albeit not in the way you wanted perhaps but its still technically what you wanted.

And Zenyatta does? Does Winston? Tracer?

The three above mentioned requires little to no actually skill in the categories you mentioned ASIDE from maybe Zen. Who has his orbs. Tracer and Winston are no-brainers. Tracer gets a free “get out of jail” card and “win-tons” doesn’t even need to track his targets. His auto-lock does that for him. Aside from needing to look in the general direction of an enemy al’a soldier aimbot on a shorter distance.

That’s how it works it shouldn’t be changed

Nerf the cost at least. It shouldn’t come up faster than even Riptire.

Dragonstrike needs a nerf by taking longer to charge.

As a Zarya main, I stopped using the grav when there is a Hanzo in my team, I’m tired of the same thing and seeing Hanzo get the POTG at the end.
Not to mention the abuse I got from Hanzo players telling me to use my Grav when it’s charged.

i like the argument here – 2 ults is killing through a single ult, so we need to nerf one of those two ults.

solution 1, run an ana and zen,
solution 2, run an mercy and zen

if the other team is burning two ults to kill your team, save up two healer ult to counter.

Moira can pretty much escape it then use her ultimate on the team while they are being consumed by the dragon.

It hasn’t been a problem since the Hanzo rework. You’re only thinking it needs a nerf because Hanzo generates his ult even faster now.

IMO, nerf his ult charge rate and it will feel less oppressive.

The thing is, Dragonstrike on its own is quite difficult to get value out of compared to almost any other DPS ultimate, when you use it without help from your team. If you nerf Dragonstrike to nerf the grav combo, you’ll make it garbage in any situation there isn’t a CC move to help the ultimate.

Also, Lucio’s ultimate isn’t for damage over time, but more burst damage (even though it isn’t too good at that either, but that’s another story)

Once Sym’s rework gets in the game, that’s another counter. As the game and meta progresses, things come and go - look at Tracer now compared to Tracer 2 months ago.

The charge rate does, yes, Hanzo currently ults every 30 sec

Dragonstrike is barely useful outside of zoning if there isn’t a Zarya. He might as well just ult into nothingness when he can’t combo.

Unless you’re in gold and below, people higher than that are smart enough to avoid getting “consumed by the dragon”. So honestly, even if he gets his ult fast, which has always been the case even before his re-work, it’s not going to impact a whole lot anyway.

To combo, the Zarya has to be good and get her ult fast, which is very rare.