Does bastion need rework (?)

He is realy strong one sec we get killed but he has worst pick rate hero. What will you do about him blizz?

Make both configurations equally effective but for different situations.

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but then blizzard and CO would say he’s OP.

Its how they literally balance any character.

“oh dva’s Dm and fusion cannons are meh”
Make her rockets the biggest and strongest part of her kit.

they literally do this for almost any character in the game when it comes to balancing.

In,fact thats why turret form is kinda trash now. THey nerfed it to oblivion so recon mode would be “”“okay”""


Doesn’t really need a rework, just needs more consistent damage… Right now, he’s right in the middle of Orisa’s spread and Torb’s shotgun spread, which is way too high for someone who can’t move to close the distance between himself and the enemy… That’s why Orisa’s spread is so low, because she has a hard time moving to close the distance…

If they do want to rework him though, I would prefer something rather small like this. Nothing over the top like Symm or Mercy.

  • Configuration Sentry
    • Reduce maximum spread to 2° (Currently 3°)
    • Bloom added to weapon
      • Initial accuracy of 1.25°, bloom starts after 0.3 seconds of continuous fire
      • Reaches 2° after 0.3 seconds of additional continuous fire
    • Headshots added
    • Ammo count reduced to 200 (Currently 300)
  • Ironclad
    • Damage resistance removed
    • Now allows Bastion’s self-repair to over-heal him with 75 armor
    • This armor cannot be healed by other healers, only Bastion
      • The over-heal is “orange” armor, similar to Torb’s armor packs
  • Self-repair
    • No longer consumes resources when it cannot heal Bastion
    • Startup delay reduced to 0.1 seconds (Currently 0.5 seconds)
    • Able to reload while repairing
    • Healing resource increased by 25%
      • Allows for 375 healing (Currently 300)
  • Configuration Tank
    • No self damage
      • Still applies the same self knockback, but does 0 damage to Bastion
    • Tread sounds reduced slightly
    • Adds 75 normal armor
    • Instantly applies 75 Ironclad armor (in addition to the normal armor)

probably, but that still doesnt solve the fact that his sentry form is pretty bad.

I mean, it kinda does… If he could actually hit his targets, Sentry would be pretty good…

Oh, but of course! I think we need another SuCcEsSfUl ReWorK in the game.

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How many times was bastion looked at by devs?

Got nerfed hard because ana could stack his dmg resistance. Now we are stuck with this abomination.

tfw, all u had to do was write in an exception to nano, that if it nano’s bastion, he wouldnt get the defense buff at all.

everyone would’ve worked around that to their benefit.

Why do people say Bastion is so bad?
For me, he feels ok.
Tell me, what’s wrong with him?

Different ranks

Different gameplays

in comp, he’s trash.

when he sits down in sentry, he’s a sitting duck for intense levels of burst damage.

His recon is kinda trash for how big he is and how his shots spray.

The rework happened.

They took the dmg, gave us the defense, took half of its defense.

Done. Now we are sitting here since so long with the version thats kinda laughable.

He needs a rework. Stationary playstyles don’t work in Overwatch. At least Blizzard learned this in time for Symmetra and Torbjorn.

His damage is too inconsistent. His spread gives him a forced 50% or lower accuracy at just 25 meters, and it only goes down from there… For a character that can’t close the distance between himself and the enemy, he has way too high of a spread. They tried to make him less effective against squishies, but they made him almost useless against them. What they should have done with his rework is simply lower his damage a bit and give him a damage boost against shields. That way he would be less effective against squishies, but still useful against them, and still just as useful against shields.

He’s not really meant to be played as a stationary turret. He’s meant to move around, pop into Sentry, get a kill, then move again. He’s supposed to play a lot more like Widowmaker. But when they added Ironclad, that playstyle was ruined. He lost so much damage potential, that he has to stay in Sentry way longer than he used to, and with the 20% damage resistance, he’s encouraged to sit in Sentry longer than he should. They need to remove Ironclad, and revert his other Sentry mode changes, additional ammo included. And give Tank mode it’s armor back.

What makes you think he’s meant to be played that way? He has no mobility to reposition like that, is vulnerable as hell in Recon because of his massive hitbox, and hunkering down in Sentry rewards him with damage resistance and easy pocketing.

Based on his original design and rework, Bastion is meant to hold down a position with his massive damage threat, but Overwatch is too fast. In both of his iterations, Bastion just gets outflanked to death by Heroes who can reposition way faster than him and the tanks protecting him. The original Bastion couldn’t even do his job without the whole team pocketing him. Bastion 2.0 only has to be pocketed by half his team, but the core problem didn’t change: Compromise his nest once and the whole comp falls apart.

Increasing his damage won’t change this. It would just make his success cases stronger without giving him any options in his failure cases.

It does though? It increases your accuracy adds bloom and headshots but at the cost of ironclad.

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Because sitting in one spot for too long is dumb. That, and it won’t ever work on attack… yeah, he’s (supposed to be) good at area denial, but that doesn’t mean sit in one spot all game. You’re just going to get killed doing that. On defense, you can stay in position for maybe a teamfight, but you should definitely move after that unless it’s a really good spot like the Hanamura safety rock…

Bastion 1.0 could deal with flankers, Bastion 2.0 can’t. Bastion 1.0 didn’t need the entire team to build around him. His “damage resistance” was to kill the enemy first.

Yes, sitting in one spot is dumb. That’s why buffing his form where he literally sits in one spot won’t fix his design. Bastion has potential as temporary, powerful area denial, but to succeed at this, he needs some kind of mobility to reposition effectively or some kind of buff to his self-sufficiency, so that his positioning isn’t so dependent on his team.

Without heavy support, Bastion 1.0 would get destroyed by really any flanker. Sombra, Tracer, Genji, Doomfist, and Reaper have tools to nullify his damage or take advantage of his immobility - and if he stands up to run, he’s just that much deader. Ironclad and smoother healing lets Bastion 2.0 somewhat defend himself, at least until his team can intervene, but that’s just a band-aid on a glaring weakness. Bastion only succeeds against comps that take him head on, and he’s too binary to survive his counters.