Does barrage feel kinda cheap now?

I get that it’s still one of the weaker ults in the game on paper, but man the dash just made it so much more annoying. Like just feels so cheap when pharah has so much horizontal burst mobility that she can basically from anywhere in the fight at any time decide to dive on you and deal 300 damage before you can even comprehend what’s happening. It used to take an incredible amount of skill to sneak up to people like that for barrage

Less barrage specifically for me and more pharah in general.

I’m really surprised by how little complaining we saw of her. Though I’m sure now that the devs have said something more people will start to think about it

Her barrage is still “Press Q to respawn”, so if they decide to nerf something about the rest of her kit (my vote is rate of fire, she literally outmodes Junkrat currently and rof was the one saving grace for playing Junk over Sky Junk) they’ll likely buff her ult somehow. Personally, I’d like something else traded for reducing the cd on her jump jet by 2 seconds. I get that they want her to have downtime, but having a 14 second cd on that ability isn’t the way to do it. Probably increase her reload time a little in exchange for it.

So basically, reduce rof to buff barrage, and increase reload time to shave 2 seconds off jump jet’s cd.