Does anyone know how many comp points you will receive if you placed plat for both tank and support at the end of season 20

also how many points do you receive for placing diamond in dps for this season

They had a big chart for all the comp point values when they first introduced role que. Basically you get a little less than you did before the system but if you place the same rank in all three roles you end up getting slightly more comp points than you used to.

Skill Tier Before After New Total
Bronze 65 25 75
Silver 125 50 150
Gold 250 100 300
Platinum 500 200 600
Diamond 750 300 900
Master 1200 450 1350
Grandmaster 1750 650 1950

FYI, if you right click on the Competitive mode banner, and click on Tier Legend on the bottom right, it will list out the comp points you’ll get for each rank.