Does anyone have an idea on how to fix Smurfing?

Yes definitely, difference in skill can exist in virtual games as well. Seems like Mongoose thinks playing with vastly superior players will allow you to ‘git gud’ faster and those who can’t handle the ‘shock’ should drop out.

This sounds like the plot of one of those 90 minute sports movies where the underdogs get crushed at the start of the movie but through several training montages and dealing with ‘their feelings’ they suddenly scale the heights and beat the top team because they had ‘it’ in them all along.

There’s a reason high level players in any sport or real life situation ‘coach’ lower level players by going over their games and instructing them on where they could have gone better rather than constantly taunting them and playing against them.


The key is to just stop taking competitive seriously. Once the whole community ridicules the game mode for what it actually is, the company may realize that their decisions were not very wise after all. You keep playing? They’ll keep NOT caring.

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Not to mention a high school team that is struggling won’t ask Lebron to play against them, watching and seeing how he demolishes them. Why not? Simple they don’t gain anything from it because in that situation the high tier player isn’t even playing at his peak output. He doesn’t need to respect the physical skill/reflexes of his opponents and knows he can do whatever he wants on offense because they can’t stop him.

“Learning from the best” would be like the high school team playing against the best team in their conference/division or for a plat team for example it would be playing against a 2900 team or the best team in their tournament, not playing against a masters team. And even if they wanted to/asked to scrim a masters team, you know the big difference that no one who defends smurfs addresses? That team asked for the extreme challenge and went to the high ranked team/players themselves. They didn’t go into a random plat game in comp and see if “maybe we’ll get a masters team somehow” because that should never be a possibility, let alone the expectation.


Uh…isn’t the point of competitive for a more serious competitive environment for a game which is designed to be a 6v6 competitive game?


They’ve been spamming that same mentality for the past half hour or so on around 5 different threads. Probably just tilted because they lost a game that “wasn’t their fault”. Wouldn’t take it too seriously.

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Yeah, the point is that not everyone plays it that way. ONE person not taking it seriously puts the WHOLE team at a disadvantage. For example, if you and I get matched up in a game and then I pick Genji and play into ALL my counters. Now I just lost the match for you. Totally fine right?

It’s people like you that problems don’t get attention. Release Brig OP? —> Counter her! GG easy! Bastion iron clad too strong? —> OMG, watch your replays, there are things you can improve! Someone left your game and it’s a 5v6? —> If you’re good you’ll climb Smurfs ruining your games? ----> take it and don’t tell anyone

It’s people like you that make it easy to write off anyone talking about a problem as whining. Where do I ever defend smurfs? I despise them but I also don’t go on to make the game worse on my own like you want to. Get over yourself, you don’t want a fix as much as you want attention. If you’re solution anytime you see something as a problem is to throw a fit, then be ready for a lot less people to take you seriously.

To be fair, it helps my sanity some games if I just don’t.

Eg our Widow gets zero picks all round then swaps to Ashe with 10 seconds left.
Meanwhile enemy Reaper just walking up to us and shooting everybody in the face and getting 60% kp at match end.

And they’re both supposedly the same sr…

I can’t do anything but not take that match seriously…


There’s a difference between not trying and not taking it seriously to the point where your enjoyment and self worth relies on whether you win or lose. It’s healthy to realize some games are losses no matter what you do and some games would be won even if you just held w and did not shoot the entire match. You still tried and even if you got stomped, potentially still got some practice in. What’s not okay is just going in and saying “lol doesn’t matter I’m gonna do my thing even if it guarantees a loss” or “I don’t even want to win.”

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What do I do when someone does that in my game? When 5 other players want to try, but one player who can just make a free account (on console) just does literally that.

And if your argument is that some games are just loss no matter what you do… Then in that case it shouldn’t matter if people throw or leave… because guess what, for those 5 other players, it’s a loss no matter what - they shouldn’t have their self worth into winning or losing.

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Try anyway, get practice on what you want to and there’s still a chance you might win. Not to mention given your general attitude I wouldn’t be surprised if you thought someone was doing that if they dared do damage at all on support, didn’t swap to a hitscan against a pharah (regardless of if they played it well), or dared not constantly heal you or shield bot for you. Take your pessimism and leave if you really aren’t enjoying yourself that badly. If you with your attitude existing in a game makes it not worth even starting the match for both you and your team, then do us all a favor and never play.

Now go and say that to all the people that throw in your games and leave in your games and feed in your games and smurf in your games and grief in your games.

How well has that worked? Are they all gone? Clearly we STILL have these problems. There is a reason why.

And I enjoy the game for myself and without voice chat and hero I want to play regardless of whatever is happening. It must sure has hell suck that 5 other people that want to coordinate can’t because of one selfish jerk. But I’m sure they’re all optimists so it’s okay.

Oh yeah! All problems gone! Good constructive response! Come on man.

Because you bring so many of those.

I teach Japanese. I’d like you to watch a Japanese television broadcast now. Preferably some news program about the latest economic developments in Asia and a panel discussion with several experts on economics.

Do that for a few hours, and then please tell me how to buy bread in a Japanese supermarket.


any game with stat/skill/rank based matchmaking will be abused by a good amount of people, no way around it really.

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Not everyone is going to go out and do something like that. Just force the players to use a phone every time they login. Some players won’t care to put even that small amount of extra effort in.

It won’t stop it but it will certainly reduce the numbers significantly since some players have double digit accounts.

Not everyone is going to buy an alt, those who do are more likely to enable 2fa.
By forcing people to use their phones every time to login, you deter the casual players more than those willing to spend 16 hours to level up a smurf…

It will also reduce the consistency of legitimate casual players logging in.

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Everyone has a phone so no it won’t for casual you are just making statements that make no sense. Plus if you only use it for when you try to play competitive who cares.

They still won’t have double digit accounts anymore. Regardless of what your flawed opinion is.

Dude, you said, and I quote “just force players to use a phone every time they login”. Who is more likely to go the extra step, the hard stuck gold or the masters player that was willing to waste 16 hours in qp to level an account? By forcing people to use a bastardised version of 2fa, you only add a deterant to those who play more casually. It doesn’t matter if its comp only or not.

Except there is literally nothing stopping them, the game goes from £15 to £20 with the slight inconvenience of going to a shop for a sim and setting up 2fa. It has more of an effect on those who don’t take the game as seriously.
But if we really have to bring it up, blizzard like money. That alone is enough of a reason for them to not do anything.

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