Does anyone experience this bug? I didn't see anyone notice this yet

I already posted it on bug report just wondering does anyone notice this yet.
It doesn’t happen when you play sombra but if you are spectating a sombra player or in your POTG the spinning TL bug will happen all the time.

So it’s not the one you die when you TL and respawn. It’s a new one.

It doesn’t happen when you are playing but it’s kinda annoying when I try to teach my friend how to play sombra.

I don’t see the issue. I’m probably blind but where is the glitch?


you maybe need to slow sown the video

You mean the translocator spinning through the air? Like the animation?

I mean your first person camera spin.

I dont see it. Looks normal

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This keep happening to me too, sometime when i transolocate the camera spin really annoying.

I know to ways to trigger the normal spinning bug but this seems faster the both amd it does not seem like it meant the condition fpr the normal one to happen. Seems like something new.

I didnt play alot till 1.28 but I will to tonight if I find something out I will tell you.

Btw did you had these two too they are the only ones i found with my little 1.28 time:

(Look at my health)

Videocredits: JamieJGJ

I’ve seen some report about the sec one but I haven’t met it on my game yet.
The first one is definitely Ana’s bugs, I’ve noticed her shot (including her nade and her primary shot) not doing damage despite hearing the sound effect which tells you got shot by the enemy ana.

I’m also blind. No clue what Spinning TL bug means only when spectate?

I think it is the combination og both Tl and Nate’s two effect.

I think on ana’s nate the antiheal is instand but the dmg is like on her weapon a dmg overtime effect and like widows mine when translocating dmg over time effects gets stopped.

Thats how I think it happens but thats only a guess.

This is the normal spinning tl Bug.
It happens ingame while playing but what @五加 had is much faster and gets triggerd diffrently but idk what could cause it to be that fast or why it happend without dying or doing the destroy thingy.
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For anyone confused, if you slow down the parts where Sombra translocates, you’ll see the camera seem to go dark/dip into the terrain before immediately fixing itself.

That second one is kinda weird, but that first one is probably caused by the fact that translocating has a small window where Sombra can be hit and the nade hit you right before the window closed.

The problem is that I got antihealed but did not take dmg.

Hmm…idk then. For a skilled hacker, she has a lot of bugs.

I see what happens in the second video since Busan dropped. Not sure what’s going on there, but there’s no more translocation visual.

Alot yes Even more Sombra Bugs in 1.26/1.27/1.28 [With Video's]

Sometimes there appear and sometimes they don’t also
fun fact: bots for some reason don’t have that bug they always show the Visual.

Your example was easier to notice.
Lately, when playing my mouse has been looking down. Not when playing Som or TL use.

There’s an issue I have sometimes where when I throw down my translocator onto a healthpack, my translocator disappears and the cooldown is refunded so I end up having to throw it down again before I can re-engage.