Does anyone else feel like they snuck a hook buff in somewhere

i’ve been looking back at some gameplay today and i noticed that a lot of hogs hooks on me were kinda BS.
they were clipping walls and rooftops and still hooking me, it looks very close to hook 1.0.
Am i the only one having this problem?

I haven’t noticed anything like that, my hooks still break because Hanzo’s toe was behind the bus in Numbani lol

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I feel they did fix its consistency a little bit. I have gotten some sus hooks. But I also had plenty broken if they were not in LoS. Maybe Hook 0.5, as it is NOWHERE near 1.0.

There are definitely still cases where it can look weird/wrong. The hook only needs a clear center-to-center line of sight. There can be obstacles blocking the pull path and/or intersecting with the sides of the chain, so long as that line isn’t broken. The line is paper thin and your character isn’t, so that sometimes means you’ll be dragged around corners a little, because your sides/shoulders hit the wall.

I thinks it’s more like Moira orb.

It’s always had its moments of being annoying but they were rare… until they were played almost every match which makes these rare problems less rare

Considering the years of hooks that break for no reason, this sounds good

I thought they worked on it a while ago? It’s probably that same fix, but he’s just been so little used that people didn’t really notice, and now that he’s being used, people are realizing how much they fixed it lol

Hook definitely still acts weird and will clip through surfaces but that is mostly due to the animation. Hook still reliably breaks when less than half of on enemy is visible.

It also still breaks when it shouldn’t or tries to hook junkrat trap over an enemy behind it. Hook is just generally buggy

For a long time now it’s been consistently weird. Hooking people off of highground is unbelievably easy and regularly looks incorrect. Actually attaching it to someone seems a bit more forgiving than it used to, maybe as compensation for not being able to hook people from other lobbies anymore.

I honestly don’t know when they changed it’s behavior last, but for as long as I can remember now, throwing hook up at a soldier or widow almost always guarantees I’m pulling them off of highground and it almost always looks like bull :poop: from my end (as the hog).

They did touch hook a few patches ago (maybe 2 months ago). I don’t remember the details though.