Does anyone actually believe Blizzard cares about LGBT?

Because that could have been like his buddy that died in the war with him or something? He was in the military. Could have easily been retconned.

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I honestly think kids nowadays are just so entitled, at the risk of sounding old af (I’m a millenial, I am old-ish now) back in the day showing support to the lgbtq flag was a HUGE no, not only on a corporate level but also cultural, now that the symbol is accepted and even monetized all of a sudden it’s wrong or not enough to dedicate and honor everyone who have been fighting for equal rights? I’m sorry but some of us actually enjoy the flag being display without as much hate as it used to elicit, please don’t taint the progress that society has gone into by being such a closed minded individual, this fight is bigger than you can grasp

Supporting as in cheering them on? Sure speak against that. Like I said earlier. Take them to task for not doing more. Yell and scream about how there IS censorship of their supposed representation in the places that it needs to be heard the most and defended… but maybe also don’t ask that the small good they are doing be torn down in spite.

NO. When did I ever say that it was OK that they censor the message where it needs to be said most?

Acceptance and awareness wherever possible.

You argue as if I support blizzard for doing those things. I do not. I am simply saying that requesting they remove their meager forays into the acceptance and awareness space until they “deserve” to represent those communities is a net negative.

Well, the thing is that now times have changed. Now you make money from supporting the LGBT community. And while that’s good, it also allows complete careless shilling of this community. In fact, now if your a company that doesn’t support LGBT you lose money, look at Chic Fila.


Please, enlighten me. Because from the sounds of it you never actually read or even looked at where him being gay originated from. It sounds like you’re either a troll trying to stir up controversy or are just alt right.


Honestly, we can agree to disagree but I personally rather this company do away with it’s fake money grab and at least TRY to show it cares. If it can’t even do the bare minimum in terms of action then I really can’t say I support it.

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yeah and that’s great, culturally the world (or the US) has evolved into inclusion through capitalism, it’s fine, it means that lgbtq people are received way better than before, be grateful that the world is a friendlier place and don’t spend money on things you don’t want to support, simple as that

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I am again, not asking you to put your approval on it. I’m saying maybe you’re raging against it even being there is more harmful than directing your efforts toward what the actual problem is: They need to do MORE.


I mean if you think an international company cares about anything but money for their executives your crazy imo. Yes Blizzard is very very pro LBTQ in recent years. That said they also bend over backwards to keep china happy, which in itself doesn’t have the best view on the issue.

Thus you really can’t expect anything form them to mean anything.

Because it was retconned and this story came out way after release? and it also came out at a time where the forums were literally filled with requests for a new LGBT character.

Also, suggesting I’m alt right for not supporting blizzards handling of LGBT issues is actually really offensive. Just because I’m not complicit with it makes me part of the alt right? I’ve already made my case and opinion of their handling and am having a civil discussion. Please don’t come in with this sort of behaviour that has tainted the LGBT community.

if Soldier didn’t trigger your gaydar hard… I dunno what to tell you lol, just look at his skins, there was no way he wasn’t Gay before the story

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Give me one piece of Overwatch media that showed Soldier was straight. There was literally and objectively no retcon. You guys just had a preconceived notion he was straight


Who cares if it’s all for good marketing, you don’t need a company to represent you or even care about what you identify as. If you do… well you shouldn’t.

I understand your general argument, but I feel like the situation is more nuanced than you’re making it. Yes you’re right that Blizz only cares about money and is willing to “pander” to different demographics in order to make more money. But at the same time, I don’t think we should write off everything as pandering done by the Blizzard overlords. There are without a doubt individuals on the OW team that genuinely do care, and I feel like characterizing any strides they potentially made as corporate pandering is doing their work a disservice. Just as an example, we literally were told that the Cassidy name change was a decision made from the team, not the company.

It was not retconned. In this thread you said it could easily be retconned, but you didn’t prove that it was. You just made a claim.

As for it coming out way after his release… so what? His past relationships weren’t brought up until recently and they aren’t an integral part of his story as to why he joined Overwatch… so why does it matter? Would you be upset if he was straight and talked about an old girlfriend he had?

No. The reason i’m suggesting you’re either alt right or a troll is because of how often you say “virtue signaling” as if it means anything. It’s a VERY common dog whistle on the alt right.

You complaining about pretty much the most tastefully and realistic way any writer can bring up that a character is gay(by literally just saying it as a passing statement about a relationship they were/are in) kind of shows that you’re really unwilling to accept anything.


I’m sorry, but what Blizzard is doing is actually virtue signalling, and no I don’t know the word because of the alt right or whatever but rather that I am on the internet and that word is tossed around alot. The reason I’m using that word anyway is because my whole argument is that Blizzard doesn’t care about us, which is the exact definition of that word? Also it doesn’t matter to me if you don’t think I’m gay because I was just giving that context for the people that do.

Anyway, if you read my previous comments I don’t have any problems with how the story was represented but rather blizzards complete lack of actual values for the community. Like I said earlier, so what if LGBT representation is done in countries with widespread LGBT acceptance but countries that don’t are fine to have censored version of Overwatch distributed. This really doesn’t prove that Blizzard is an ally of the LGBT community at all.

It’s also pretty hard to prove something is retconned 3 years after it happened considering all the previous material has been changed. All I can say is that if you played Overwatch during this time you would know that alot of it wasn’t very authentic, but I guess that my opinion.

curious what catalyzed the return to the forum after 4 years with this revelation?

Especially when your previous interactions were pretty tame discussions about zen and mercy?

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So basically…

A company is not allowed to give LGBTQ+ representation UNLESS it boycotts half the world?

NGL, that’s a terrible take. If a child was drowning in the ocean and there was a sex offender standing there, would you say, “No, sorry, they can’t save the drowning child because they’re a bad person”?

If Blizzard does good things with representation, that’s a good thing, even if they’re a crumby company.

Dogpiling on them and saying, “You’re not ALLOWED to do good things” is garbage logic.


That is a bad analagy. It is more like being a country in a war supporting one side but also selling weapons to the enemy. Can you really say you are an ally of that side and an enemy of the other? It is more like you are neutral in this war. Put it into this context, can you say you are an ally of the LGBT community? Or are you just neutral.

Gotta love straight people trying to claim that LGBT people don’t like Soldier because it wasn’t telegraphed enough or whatever.

Well, I’m gay and I’m thrilled that Blizzard represented a gay man whose identity doesn’t revolve around his sexuality. Soldier 76’s defining feature is that he gave up everything in the name of duty, so of course his love life wasn’t going to come up very often, except as it did: in a conversation about things he gave up in the name of duty.

Keep in mind that this is a lore where most of the characters have zero information regarding their romantic pasts, and the few who do have very little. Torb’s wife got revealed in the same comic as Tracer’s girlfriend but of course nobody ever makes a peep when it’s a heterosexual relationship being casually revealed.