Does anyone actually believe Blizzard cares about LGBT?

I asked you for an example of Blizzards tokenization of the LGBT. Point blank. It’s not that hard

Have you been living under a rock? After all the garbage tha has been unearthed from the company? Let’s see… soldier was retconned to be gay, tracer was announced to be lesbian similarly. After everything the company has claimed they are and yet proven to be in reality, you honestly think they didn’t do this for anything but pandering and tokenism?

It’s an insult to the lgbt community. How you don’t see that is beyond me. They’ve been used.


It was literally just him talking about an old relationship. Jesus, people are acting like it was Blizzard holding up a sign saying “soldier r gay now!!!” on twitter.

It was literally done in the same way anyone would talk about a past relationship. The relationship just happened to not be straight.

This talking point actually tilts me so much.


I didn’t know Soldier was seen on camera kissing 76 different women.

Tracer is a really weird one to get upset about. Yeah her reveal wasn’t anything special but that was kinda the point.

Conflating the company with individual writers and people that work on the project is wrong. Especially since most of the problems at Blizzard stemmed from the WoW team and not OW. It’s perfectly reasonable to believe that horrible people worked at Blizzard but the writers that made Soldier gay did it out of their own interest.


“Companies” don’t care about anything ewcept making money. That’s their entire purpose.

People that work at companies care about a variety of things. Some of them care about LGBT people, some of them care about women in the workplace, some of them care about getting drunk at work at 12pm and stealing breast milk from the fridge.

If a company doesn’t want its’ image tarnished by a particular group of individuals, it should stop employing them and amplify the voices of those that it does agree with.

But at the end of the day, it does so with the goal of making money. Because that’s what a company does.

People RESENTING people for being part of that community or demanding representation isn’t the problem of the company. Bringing those attitudes out in the open for others to see in the people beside them is a positive in my book. Check who you’re standing with.

Worthy is a weird qualification. Some numbskull who plasters his instagram with him posing with paintbrushes at homeless shelters pretending to paint walls still is showing people that those places NEED help. Does he DESERVE the credit and likely money he’ll get as a result of his BS? Nope. But in the end if any good is done and no actual evil is perpetrated, I don’t care. Could these companies or people have done MORE? … Yeah. Maybe speak against people CELEBRATING them for doing decent things, but asking them to just NOT do anything? I’d say that’s worse.

Cringe all you like, you’re also actively speaking against them even having the appearance of representation. That’s pretty cringe.

I would have thought as part of the community you’d be aware of how very insistent people can be that you don’t exist or aren’t “real”.

The company in general treats their employees pretty badly regardless of presentation or junk status. I don’ t think anyone is really vague on that after this past year. Again though this doesn’t mean they shouldn’t at least present SOME semblance of caring or being aware of current issues.

All in all it sounds like you’re approaching the “we don’t want LGBTQ+ stuff in our game!” from a mildly protected angle… and I’m not for that.

So then let me ask you, do you really believe they did all that because they seriously care?
You don’t believe it was for clout? It definitely appears that way to me.

Worse yet, NONE of this matters yet here we are arguing about nothing. If they want to go down that route, fine. I don’t care. It to me looks bad as they use the group for virtue signaling.

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I actually agree, the Soldier retcon was similar to Cassidy, a quick change to settle unrest in the community. At the time people were complaining that for a company like Blizzard who claims to care about LGBT, there werent enough LGBT characters. Surely enough a month later Soldier was retconned, and the only thing they could use to backup that it wasn’t last minute was one picture of Soldier with another dude in some picture on the wall. Could have been his buddy that fought in a war with him or something, but turns out was his boyfriend.

And before someone says ‘What more can Blizzard do other than making their characters LGBT?’ how about doing actual things like not doing business with countries that incriminate you for being LGBT. Instead, when a country like China has a problem Blizzard is one of the most cooperative in helping their narrative because of money. Well, if you care so much about money that you have no values then you really don’t deserve to say you care about this community.

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Exactly. You get it. I don’t understand why other people don’t.

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I really enjoyed reading one piece and there is cool cross dressing/trans characters in the series called Okama… so it can be done right, it isn’t about having a company double confirm they care about certain people by wearing LGBT t-shirts every day, it is focusing on representing these groups in a cool way.

Some people will feel Tracer being gay or Soldier being gay is lacking because it was an effortless call. You can be like, okay, it shouldn’t require effort and anyone can have a sexuality… except this is fantasy and on a subconscious level we expect some degree of imagination to bring ideas to life. For example big muscle African doomfist, energetic Australian junkrat…

You misunderstand me, I am all for LGBT stuff in gaming but not when the company doesn’t do anything to actually stand up to countries who incriminate LGBT people by not doing business with them, instead they have Overwatch in those countries but retcon the lore so that Tracer/Soldier isn’t gay there. Doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of whatever representation they were trying to give us? Why would I really care if Soldier is gay in Australia (Where I reside) when ACTUAL oppressed LGBT members in Singapore or Saudi Arabia have no representation when they need it most. That is disgusting.

Also, that is really pathetic that you think the LGBT community needs whatever representation it can get. I know my worth, and I really don’t like that some scum company like Blizzard is trying to latch onto it for the same reason you wouldn’t want to be associated with Jeffrey Epstein or Harvey Weinstein.

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And yet, if you call it for what it is, it seems you get attacked for it. It’s backwards.

No. It still spreads awareness and in the areas it’s not “localized” it still spreads a message of acceptance. You’re asking for them to stop doing ANY representing till they “deserve” it… which is not what someone who actually cares about the issue would focus on in my opinion.

Because it’s representation for those in the places it’s not censored which is better than no representation anywhere.

I think in terms of positive effect. I’m curious if you think “influencers” shouldn’t give homeless people food if they’re filming it for their followers and social media?

If you’re so incensed at the fact blizzard is doing it just for clout chasing or market acceptance in “safe” markets, then speak against that. Ask them to do MORE instead of asking them not to do anything until they “deserve” it.

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I’m really confused about the argument that Soldier was retconned to be gay. In the Reflections (2016) comic, he was holding the pic of him and Vincent.


You clearly just want “representation” with no real value. What’s the point if your representation means nothing?
You want to be used and lied to when in reality it’s all about the bottom line and money? Pointless.

I clearly want representation over nothing.

The meaning of the representation is awareness and acceptance, the motive of the company behind the message is tangential but not necessarily essential.


Then it truly is meaningless. Your bottom line is no better than theirs. Both carry no value

OK. You can declare whatever you like with no reasoning besides “Blizzard is bad and doing this for profit so the entire thing is bad” … but in a world of solid realities, the net positive is awareness and acceptance bloomed from it.


Trust me, I know Blizzard aint going to change. I just want people, especially those in the LGBTQ community to know that Blizzard probably really doesn’t care about them. It’s sad, but alot of us have self esteem issues and would take anything we can get, and that’s wrong, we shouldn’t be supporting these kind of money grabs.

Also, you’re telling me that their virtue signalling in countries that already have widespread acceptance of LGBT values is good, but their appeasement of all the other countries is ok too? No, it’s not ok when gay men are literally stoned to death for being gay, and you’re not a company that supports LGBTQ when you censor any sort of LGBT hints in your lore in those countries just to make a quick buck. If they really cared about the LGBT community then the game simply wouldn’t be sold there. Instead, their complicit. So what’s the point? Why would it matter if Blizzard is willing to let gay people actually DIE in those countries and still sell their game there. Are they truly a company that cares? Of course not.

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