If so, how would I go about it?
Edit: I have the controller plugged in via USB, but it’s not working that easily. I imagine I’ll have to use some 3rd party software
i would imagine so, i had to install something for my xbox one controller to work but you should be able to find a guide for it online.
you’ll probably get this a lot here, but you’ll prolly be putting yourself at a disadvantage with a controller. i’d suggest not going into comp with it just because it’d be unfair to your teammates, but otherwise you do you ofc
I use an Xbox one controller for Steam games. I imagine PS4 should work but he’d have to google how to set it up. I think you could probably just wire it in with the cable you use to connect to the PS4.
Try using the cable that connects it to your PS4. That’s a simple usb to micro. Your PC should have a usb connect somewhere. If you want the use wireless you may have to google some options.
Just a fair warning, the controller options on PC are very limited and feel off. I would recommend putting in the time to learn M&K if you can.
Or dual wield which is what I do.
Use mouse to aim, controller to move.
Bind jump to LB/LT. Use a mouse with number buttons on side and you’re all set. I do that from pretty much all my PC FPS. The fluidity of a analog movement, accuracy of a mouse aim. It’s great.
Can you share some links on how to setup? I’m struggling to learn WASD and as a console masters player I find it demeaning to get beat by sub diamond players because I can’t move well.
Most games will allow the use of controller and Mouse at the same time so as long as you have a controller plugged in and usable on PC should be fine.
Hold controller in left hand and find feels best for your movement, then change binding in options. I do duck - stick press, jump - LB.
Then for mouse bind abilities or frequently used keys to the number keys using your mouse. For OW I use abilities as abilities as 4 5 6 and melee as 3.
This works on other games too. For example Borderlands 2 I’d bind same movements to controller then things like abilities or use key to number buttons.
As long as you have a working controller on PC should be no problem.
This does require a mouse with the number keys on side but most are $30 at most unless you go for a branded and usually overpriced mouse or one with a lot more features than you probably need.
Can you use a PS4 controller on PC? Sure you can
Is it optimized enough to be playable? Yes
Should you do it? Heck no
M&KB are superior for FPS control by a large margin, you will be putting yourself at a massive disadvantage.
Get a Razer tatarus, it will change your PC experience, thumbstick along with a keypad for the left hand, normal mouse usage on the right. You’ll be back to form on PC in no time
If any one still reads this. I couldn’t figure out how to do it with a ps4 controller. I was able to hook the ps3 afterglow wireless controller to it. Just plugged the little usb receiver in and it was already configured. The controller was at walmart for less then $20
Not that I want to encourage this (you really should be playing with m+kb) but did you try using DS4Windows?