Do YOU want Bastion buffed?

This. Exploiting his lack of mobility is a character design, an intentional weakness. Exploiting his lack of damage is not. His design is supposed to be high damage, no mobility, but he’s lacking in the “high damage” part.


im sure we’ve all gone against a pirate ship with bastion as the captain. imagine playing against a buffed bastion sitting on the payload in comp…

Any good buffs to Bastion would involve the removal of Ironclad, which makes bunker comps slightly less useful once you break the barrier because the Bastion isn’t as easy to pocket.

And there are many answers to pirate ship, Junkrat, Sombra, Pharah, Hanzo, Mei, Roadhog…

Thx, you were helpful

I want him reworked.
I want both recon and turret modes to be effective. Just with their own pros and cons.

usually bastion is only a threat in bronze (can confirm) and even then he is easily countered.

I’m no expert (meaning I have no idea what would best benefit him buff-wise), but just to toss out a couple ideas (please don’t shoot them down, the whole point is to spawn ideas from those who play him extensively, haven’t seen much consensus on what they should do with him):

Maybe decrease his spread across the board, give sentry headshots back, give shields in recon, and something mobility related in recon?

Any combination of the above?

I think throwing out ideas is more productive than debating whether or not he should be buffed (as he clearly should, just rather carefully imo).