Do you think we will have another Non Healing Support in the future?

(just quick back ground)
(ex sym support main, who just cant use her as a dps)
(never like the original supports including Ana.)
(Like Moira for time, but found the Skill ceiling too low for what I wanted to do with her.)
(Like Brig for a time, but I find her not to much of anything nowadays, see how Lucio used to be when he did this low of healing.)

So I guess I am waiting for the next fun Support to suddenly exist but I have no idea what they will be like. I hoping something close to my Anubis Idea: đź‘» idea for ghostly possession Support Hero (Anubis) but I know this wont be a thing yet, plus got to update that idea.

Maybe I am waiting for another Non healing Support hero again… Since I was really good with that Teleporter. (I was AMAZING)

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Have you tried Sombra?

Yes I know you could use as a Support but until Devs Changes her role, more focused on waiting the next hero hoping they fit my old playstyle.

No. Sustain is too important to how the game plays. If you take a support that doesn’t provide any in lieu of one that does, you’d have to give them some game breaking utility in order to not end up with another Symmetra.


This was more Substain by Revives Though the Teleporter. (When it actually used correctly and not ignored.)

Any half-decent Tracer would destroy your buildable before you got any use out of it. Especially if the enemy team was coordinated.

Yeah I eventually got Good at preventing Tracers of doing this but that’s no longer a thing.

Sadly I don’t think so. Blizzard has ruin the Support class by making sure every other Support since launch healed. They even changed the “NO/ONE SUPPORT” to “NO/ONE HEALER”.

To them Support=Healing.

I WISH we got more pure utility supports because they are fun to play as and open a new way of play.

But alas, it’s highly doubtful we’ll ever see a non-healing support.

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You realize hack is one of the best abilities in the game right? It can be really clutch. Also, EMP is great to help the team win a fight with, and charges super fast.

She helps her team by debuffing the enemy (including taking away their healthpacks), healing her own team is just a bonus.

Yeah but if it doesn’t say Support as the role I use it for, that just bugs me okay.

Like using a Skin or hero I don’t like.

Ok. I guess it’s like how them calling Brig a healer when she’s a tank bugs me. Then they nerfed her ability to brawl as a tank lol.

Yeah that bugged me as well

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sym use to be a non healing support, now look at her.

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All I see is a taxi for pros.

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no one wants my taxi services D:

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… Sombra is capable of healing teammates lol. She does more healing than Symm ever has

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Sym’s old teleporter was the same,

realy they should have changed it, so choice was not an option.

No healing is WAY too good. There is no way hero that doesn’t heal could take the spot of a healer.

I’d say it is likely they will make another hero solely based on utility

I thinking something like purely group revive non healing hero.