Do you think Pink and Rose Gold r better than Mercy Mythic?

Pink Mercy and Rose Gold have special sounds exclusive to them, and both of them feature some seriously attractive animation effects for those Mercy players who are using the skin. Rose Gold is also special because it’s the first redhead skin for Mercy.

If a brunette version of Pink Mercy was made in the Pink scheme, I’d say that the three together would exceed the Vengeance Mythic Mercy skin, and kinda meld into a combined Mythic due to the three color schemes. The coloring and effects are on par with Vengeance on those, being better than other Mercy Legendaries. There’s little other Mercy skins can offer visually that compares to Rose Gold or Pink during the Valk Ultimate.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with Vengeance, but even in its Mythic fanciness, it doesn’t exceed the Breast Cancer charity skins in terms of coloring and special effects.

Finally, I’d say rarity-wise they are also greater than Vengeance. Mythic skins are on rotation in a shop of their own. The Breast Cancer charity might come back a third time due to massive popular demand. But I think everybody knows it’ll be a good while before that happens.

What do you think?


Her Vengeance skin has a skull mask. That’s pretty sick. I am telling you we need a Pink Death skin to put this debate to rest.


My favorite from the Mirror shop event was good-aligned Widowmaker. There’s a spray of her and good-aligned Sombra having bubbly tea together. It was really sweet, which is not normally a Widowmaker thing.

But I guess part of my prejudice towards Pink/RoseGold and against Vengeance Mercy is that they chose Mercy’s absolute top skin to be as a bad person, which is not something fans visualize Mercy is. For her to rack up tons of money for irl cancer charity is really neat, though the donations come from a fictitious online world.


The only reason I have the Pink Mercy skins is rarity

The mythic skin is sick. I like the nasty voice lines that come with it too. And the spell effects.

Zombie nurse skin is better than Pink mercy but I can see how the Pink skins have more mass appeal.


I got Pink the first time it was offered because it was a charity thing and because I am a Mercy main and really liked it. The forums were ablaze with angry people saying Pink was trash and wasn’t worth five dollars, much less fifteen. I think the only reason those people wanted it so much later was because it was no longer available and unlike other content, it just wasn’t being brought back. Many people believed it would never happen.

I was never happy about other people not having access to Pink Mercy. But I don’t think it’s a rarity thing anymore. There’s nothing wrong with a charity campaign for a company, many corporations do that, from McDonald’s to Disney to Target, and so on.

So, the rarity thing is partially true, but it seems at this point that since there was a second offer on Pink Mercy, there will eventually be a third.

My question is, will there be other such campaigns with OW Supports and the proceeds go to some other type of cancer. For example, prostate cancer is roughly on par with danger with breast cancer, but it affects men. So, Bliz could listen to all those folks who think Baptiste doesn’t have enough spectacular skins yet, and make a cancer charity for him.

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People wanted pink Mercy because it was rare. Well it’s no longer rare so it’s lost it’s magic and now that I really look at it it’s not even that great of a skin it’s C tier at best.

I don’t think too much about it because I don’t care about the charity aspect of it. I mean, good for them and it’s for a good cause, blah blah blah but if I actually cared about charity I would do charity work and make donations outside of the game as well. I actually think people should donate to ME instead of asking for my hard earned money all the time.

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I think it’s a matter of personal taste. The pink skin is almost like a mythic, with its special sound effects, pink wings in valk (instead of the usual yellow) and a pink beam. For people that like the more cutesy mercy skins, they probably didn’t love the mythic and this is a good replacement. The mythic is really good for the theme it does and some people prefer cooler / more epic skins so it’s nice to have a variety.


I think, with the rose gold recolor, Pink is on par with her mythic skin in terms of care put into it. It doesn’t have unique voice lines, but it does add a ton of different audio and visual cues as well as modifying a couple of her highlight intros as well. I wish legendary skins still got that level of care and cool stuff instead of just being a flat skin usually.


I wanted Vengeance, I only got Pink because it was a charity fundraiser.
Vengeance is far and above Pink/Rose Gold imo.
The uber cutesy future techy aesthetics of Pink just don’t mesh well to my eyes, Vengeance is Militaristic dark tech and the aesthetics have better cohesion. I also adore the eagle(? might be another large bird of prey) caw when she casts Valk in Vengeance, paired with her unique beams, Rez, and chonky gun audio Vengence just hits more buttons for me.

i think they both have a high level of “making people think theyre special”

I think Mercy needs a robot skin like some other heroes have. And when she rezzes it should make a buzzing sound while she uses a defibrillator.

Heroes never cease to function!


I like all 3. All 3 will be available aging to so rare is pretty out the window. I bought the rose mercy though because I think it’s better and honestly it has more pink in it than the pink skin which I find funny.
My pick over all though is the 2019 all star. Its better than all 3 and more rare :wink:

Love the idea of this.

there are two problems with this statement

  1. People actually wanted the skin for multiple reasons. including the one stated here, but certainly not limited solely to that

  2. The skin was never rare. There were nearly 900 thousand of them purchased in the original offering

Pink mercy has been her best skin so it alone wins by default. The gold one makes it look even more premium.