Do you think Orisa needs to be changed?

She takes the fun out of most other tank heroes. Fancy playing some Rein or Ram and she just takes the fun out of the game. I don’t actually play tank much at all, but the times I do it’s really not fun. I’d love to play it more but I find the current setup isn’t exciting. It’s a game within a game, constant Hero switching until both tanks are on Orisa or Zarya. I think it’s her Javelin and Fortify mode which just makes the game feel stale. The only fun thing about going against her is playing as Rein and pinning one of her teammates into her Fortify mode, but that doesn’t happen often.


I think Orisa is a perfect example of the shift in tank philosophy between 1 and 2. She has a little bit of everything in her kit and is extremely survivable. She has unlimited range damage, an on-demand damage reduction, a defense matrix, knockback and a stun, and an ult that pulls enemies in, slows, and can kill them. Her kit is bloated because she has to do the job of 2 tanks in 1.

I do feel like she could use some changes to feel better to play against because she feels like she has the answer for everything right now. She either needs to keep her lethality and lose some survivability or keep survivability and lose some lethality. It’s pretty telling that she’s the go-to for a team when they begin losing. In this case it may not be about balance numbers but community sentiment.


So do other tanks and so do these tanks to other tanks, Rein into DF isn’t too fun, either, especially for Rein’s backline. Orisa isn’t the only tank that “counters” other tanks.

This is a single-tank, 5v5 problem, not an Orisa or Zarya problem. This problem will always exist as long as there is only 1 tank and no other tank to cover their weakness like the other two roles who also influence the enjoyment of the tank role. The game was specifically designed for 6v6, the devs specifically came to that number for a “balance” reason. Just like in OW1, double-barrier wasn’t an Orisa problem because it would have happened with her and Rein LOOOOONG before Sigma was released and it also would be impossible with her due to her not having a barrier anymore.

The switch to 5v5 has broken the game on a fundamental level and no matter what, the tank roster will never truly be balanced or feel good without being overpowered or move away from swapping without limiting it and making the experience feel worse. The class-balance between classes will also never be balanced due to 5v5 and having to attempt distributing the influence of the missing off-tank.

They need to change the game to 6v6 and then balance the characters without favoritism which is what really killed the original game.


Orisa used to be terrible into Winston (and dive in general). Did something change?

There is an idea that I am trying to spread around: Orisa could use a (almost) full revert.

We could readjust Halt, replace spin with her barrier and replace Terra with Supercharger. We make sure we don’t bring back that slowdown when firing and thats it, she should be golden, imho.


Orisa doesnt need changed, we need solid tanks that can do everything well while not really excelling at anything. Sigma does this same thing, but better, because he has a more reliable stun and a much better ult.

honestly in a 5v5 setting… old orisa wouldn’t be to terrible. halt being a slow moving succ ability but theres no hog no sigma to combo the hook or rock with so not as lethal (pull pork/ green grav rock)
remove spin and give back her old shield…

OW1 orisa would be a worse place than rein in OW2, she would be worse than current mauga.

Yes, her hit makes her good at everything. She shouldn’t be able to shore up every weakness in the game.

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Orisa is fine, but forum Orisa keeps me up at night.


People talking up orisa like this unstoppable juggernaut, but ingame she is… fine? I dont see an enemy orisa and despair, I see an enemy sigma and double hitscans and groan at the lack of fun we will all be having.

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No fall off damage and the movement speed of the javelin spin can catch up a winton.

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The movement speed on the baton twirl is barely anything, she is not catching up to a winston who leaped away.

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Orisa’s played in ALL ranks and even tournaments all the time, there IS a problem.

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Her critical hit resistance (bunker mode and ult) is a bit much, for me as mauga. Other than that I don’t have much of an issue with her. The spear is something you can anticipate for (when to reload, use an ability) and that swirly cheerleader move just means don’t shoot for a bit and then blast her.

Yes and no. Orisa is problematic because she has way too little down time between abilities and her abilities give her too much damage mitigation. This is a design issue. They changed her design for 5v5, sure, but it is still a design issue. No other tank has the lack of downtime she does to take advantage of except perhaps Ram.

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It is the fate of 1 tank. You could have either rockpaperscissors all the time or just one very simple tank without weakness(complex = vulnerable).

And 1 tank was also the fate of the tanks in PvP where all the fun is removed and nobody wanna play the role.


Yes. Her ability uptime is crazy, her windows of vulnerability are too small. Her bully power is obnoxious, honestly feels like shes more oppressive than Fist in this regard. Her ammo may as well just be infinite. And I only just recently discovered how her ult pops fortify AGAIN FOR FREE because I always made a point of never using the ult unless I had it active.

Just doesn’t feel like she has a hard counter like the other tanks do. Always seeing people pull her out when the going gets tough and every time it feels like a gun just got pulled out at a knife fight.

Pump her CDs and give Fortify a hard smack at the very least.

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Changed? No. Nerfed? Absolutely. At least falloff needs to return and the slower overheat in fortify needs to disappear as well

I think(know) that 5v5 is the problem in this game.