Do you think Mei should have a rework?

She can either dominate a match or get completely run over and contribute very little. When she dominates a match it feels horrible for the people against her because usually it’s just going around freezing people. When she gets run over it feels horrible for everybody in the Mei’s team as they will barely contribute. With all the reworks that went in for Torb, Symmetra & Brig; I wonder if the Dev/QA team have considered looking into Mei and changing/improving her play style.


No. Next topic!

But for real, she is easy to counter, if you’re countered by her either strategize with your team, or switch to be on par or to counter her.


Not a full rework. I think a mini-rework to reduce the… obnoxiousness of her primary and to compensate her with buffs elsewhere would be fine.

It would frankly take not many changes to rework her into an off-tank, and her playstyle wouldn’t really change at all, so I don’t see that as unreasonable, but a wholesale reshaping of her character? Nah.


I think you are missing the point. Part of it is how easy she can get run over. She has very little versatility but is very strong in one oppressive way. Two un fun extremes.

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She’s super useful as is, and can easily stand up to anyone and be useful for most team action. I think she is fine how she is, and I’ve used her in every rank going up. I think some people are just not understanding how to use her to their best benifit.

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Exactly, something like duplicating the time needed to freeze with primary but increasing primary damage and secondary fire rate. This would make it so she can better fit in the DPS role pumping more damage per second.

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No and I’m not sure where all this Mei hate has come from lately. I haven’t looked at her stats lately but if she’s problematic I think she could just use a revert of the extra time you stay slowed by her beam even if she isn’t aiming it at you. The beam going through enemies was enough of a buff.

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I’d just like it so that she can’t be stunned out of her iceblock, or lose her ultimate while it’s airborne, because her opponent is lagging.

This is consistent between heroes as it was a global change about a year or more back. I think the problem is the long cast time (or perceived cast time) of throwing the ult. The same is there with Pulse bomb when you throw it and don’t immediately stick someone.

When sombra dominates a match it feels horrible for people against her because it’s just her going around hacking and EMP’ing everything.

The difference is Mei has a higher pick rate at all ranks, and yet that some how doesn’t justify nerfing her.

She doesn’t need a rework she needs to be toned the hell down. Mei can literally carry games with her kit, if someone knows how to use her.

Sombra cannot carry a game, because nothing in her kit allows it, without her team.

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No she doesn’t. Mei has been balanced for ages only getting some QOL changes and tweaks. She on the list of “received the fewest changes” in the game for a reason.

Almost any hero can carry a game if played correctly. Sniper hero hitting their shots? Carry! Doomfist combing half your team? Carry! JR/Pharah landing a ton of their shots and constantly having team wiping ults? Carry!

Mei is fine and comparing her to a hero that has a somewhat problematic kit that requires the most amount of team coordination/communication to function as it does at the highest level doesn’t make any sense at all.


And yet some how Sombra got nerfed but Mei didn’t.

You literally have never gone against a good Mei before, and it’s abundantly clear.

Dude I don’t even main Mei, and I wreck people left right and every which way to tuesday, without even trying to play her well.

I literally do nothing but troll people on her.

Freeze people wave to them, and run off.

And I win way more than 50% of my games, when I’m actually throwing most of the time.

Mei doesn’t require skill, just common sense.

Sombra requires skill to play, and if your team isn’t skilled then Sombra is useless.

Mei makes bad players good, and good players excellent.

But sure nerf Sombra, that makes sense even from a statistical standpoint. (FYI: Mei is one of sombra’s worst fights because at medium to close range a bad sombra will lose that fight every single time)

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I two tricked Mei and Ana in Diamond. I AM a good Mei player. She requires a ton of a skill to play in the higher levels as people actually have some game sense, position well, and can snipe the hell out of me. In fact to be able to play Mei well in those ranks you have to be a good Sniper Mei as most players won’t give you the chance to get close and freeze them.

As I said Sombra is complicated, she elicits a lot of hate on ladder despite having one on your team is a liability. Unlike any other hero, you don’t see a Sombra coming and people don’t like the feeling of “I saw Sombra somewhere behind us, be careful” people don’t like that uncertainty.

Then you have the issue that she has been on the spot light for a while since she was one of the few counters to Goats.

Once again, Sombra’s situation has nothing to do with Mei. Mei is a decent pick who has plenty of counters and way to deny her value.

Her recent popularity is due to OWL playing a bastardized version of 2-2-2 where the only viable tanks are Orisa/Hog who she happens to not only work well with but also counter.

Mei is balanced and pretty much always has been.


I’m fine with Mei as she is. But if they were to rework, I’d tweak her a little to make her an actual Tank.

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No, I just think she needs a slight cc nerf. How she’s able to chain freeze is just a bit ridiculous. She can completely lock down hammond if she gets in range. Hamster will never be a very good tank if her chain cc isn’t nerfed.

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Am also fine with Mei as is. She has her ups and downs and can be a pain to the enemy but also a detriment to her team mates. Only time when I don’t like Mei is when my team ignores my callout for help :frowning:

Uh… no.

Mei has quite a range between Noobstomping and getting noobstomped like most of the rest of the roster. It really depends on characters she’s against, level of skill of all the players and the map… like the entire roster.

Hero X who was a troll Pick for a long time finally got a shine in OWL because Hero X is a good pick to counter the new Meta

OW Forum : " I really think that Hero needs nerfs or a rework she can dominate Match "

To answer your Post :

                            Omega NO

and this came from some1 who is a Hammond One-Trick who get hard countered by Mei


Yup, plenty of supports and dps make playing Mei near impossible. There’s always a mix of counters and 1 or 2 is usually enough pending how much of a threat they treat you as

playing Mei into
Hanzo-JR-Orisa-Zarya-Lucio-Mercy is a god darn nightmare.

Certain maps also make wall pretty weak.
Mei wall is amazing in a lot of 2-cp due to tight chokes but on Koth maps where they get minimal value or payload maps like most of Route 66. In those maps divide and conquer is not an option and often I resort to using my wall to catch/block in the moment abilities or my own mobility.

I haven’t thought about this much but this new role based SR is going to give me more of an opportunity to play Mei again. I think this is my 3rd season focusing on flex tanking, it’s going to be nice to play Mei again.

Not really a rework per se, but I do think she needs to move to the tank category since her kit is more tuned for tank. Obviously her numbers would have to adjust as necessary for that role.