Do you think juno is autoimmune

she was probably born on Mars and therefor didn’t grow up with the germs on Earth so the reason she wears the suit on Earth is not for air but to protect her self form germs and bacteria.


Autoimmune implies the incapability to have an immune system doesn’t it?
Or am I mistaken?

Likely the bacteria/viruses her parents and extended “family” have somewhat transferred… but yeah any mutations that happened since they left are gonna hit her pretty damn hard.

I have a feeling though the suit thing is mostly for the look in the game, I’ll bet if we EVER get lore drops she’ll be a little less hermetically sealed.


good question since no one would know what your body would be like if you lived on another planet your whole life

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yes shes human so she would have one

I’m not fully sure that what would happen being that the NASA like agenst in this world would have killed all the bacteria and germs when they went to mars to make the trip and colonisation of mars have a higher chance of success.

ya to make sure no germs or bacteria can harm her

Autoimmune refers to the immune system attacks normal cells, something like multiple sclerosis. What you mentioned is not autoimmune disease, it’s just lack of immunity against certain germs.

Back to the topic, like other people mentioned, her helmet is part of her “space” theme, probably unlikely to take it off. Even just in the context of story, it’s 2070s in the game. The biotech (tech in general) is way more advanced than the real world, just look at moria, mercy and reaper.


Autoimmune = immune system attacks her own body cells and tissues.

She being from Mars = lack of immune system exposure to Earth germs = lack of immunity against Earth infections.

I think her family must have warned her about taking some vaccines before her trip or right away after landing (I can’t see a scenario she wouldn’t have got some information/warnings about that, feels like some basic biology information at that point), otherwise she would have gotten sick pretty quick after getting in contact with people and maybe it could have been a life threatening infection, like the Aliens in the “War of the Worlds” movie that ended up dying from flu/cold/whatever…


shes probably not autoimmune, but if she isnt vaccinated a simple cold might incapacitate her

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You cannot disinfect the INSIDE of a human being though. Not without killing them anyway. Our systems, airways and… uh… digestive track are a constant biome of bacteria and virii. Some of them we need to function. She would have at least got her mothers immunitys in part.

That’s all I’m saying. She’s not “boy in a bubble” level, just unexposed human level.

If she has parents from earth that would make no sense.

Also you are digging too much into it. It is the same reason as for why Mercy wears high heels during battle - it just look good.

Thats what you think

Im not saying shes boy in a bubble if air hits her shes dies but we know the suit doesnt regulate air because she has a voise line about being dizzy from the higher oxygen levels but shes probaby got a weaker immune system and the suit filters for that plus her mom been up there a long time earth germs and stuff have changed alot in out life time immagin 2 were your body didnt get the old stuff to slowly work up to the new stuff plus it would probably also keep mars germs from hurting earthlings because germs would change differently on diffrent planets which is a massive fear of mine when it comes to the idea of inter planaetary travel

… bright light… bleach… please… I am being triggered.

You wanna talk about hygiene hypothesis?

She is definitely immunocompromised when it comes to earth-bound bacteria and viruses.

However, she may also be immune to things that are deadly to people from Earth.

The suit also has the ability to assist with mobility, which might make sense seeing as she grew up on a planet with a totally different gravity (the gravity on Mars being only about 38% of the gravity on earth.)

This means her joints and muscles would be totally unprepared for her to suddenly weigh almost 60% more than usual. The suit may help with compression, stop strain on her muscles and cardiovascular system, as well as make walking about easier with the boots.

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