Do you remember Kaplan saying 'at least 1 hero before OW2'?


Rip Shimada clan

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They already said Echo is the last hero before OW2. This sort of means OW2 is further along than a lot of people give it credit for.


god speaking of lore content drought happy belated anniversary to that tweet of Mchu confirming Genji still had his family pride intact :roll_eyes:


tbf they said she was intended to be the last hero but that was up for grabs if things were delayed. They’re naturally going to want to stockpile heroes and maps for the new game, but on the otherside, I’ve got a working theory that bc of the pandemic everyones been eating content at a breakneck pace and there’s almost assuredly been a delay.

I mean I did say this. Then Echo happened.

I believe that was his wording at Blizzcon, but when Echo released he said she would be the last hero for OW.


And you shot down my hopes. Are you a Widow main? what a headshot… :frowning:

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I don’t want them to release any more heroes for the foreseeable future. They can’t properly balance the ones we’ve got. The last thing we need is more nonsense.


Balance isn’t some magical goal that is reached, and Jeff washes his hands and says goodnight.

Balance is an ongoing process.

Sure, it’s not at a great state but it isn’t horrible.

Ya, because all the other post-release heroes have been such a great success /s.

I mean in all honestly if there were a job that could pretty easily be done from home it is game design. The likely setup was very compartmentalized anyway and each person probably had their own job in small groups so building levels was probably not too impacted by working from home.

It is also probably not just about stockpiling so much as it is if a hero is made in the OW1 style then that has to be redone for the OW2 style which does appear to have some differences and if you have an OW2 style hero standing next to an OW1 style hero that is going to look well bad. Plus it is possible a lot of the new heroes only work due to mechanics changes that will exist in OW2 so releasing them now could break OW1 but would make sense in OW2.

If you don’t like the heroes released, why are you on the forums? don’t play OW if you don’t like the current state.

… yiiiiikes. No, it’s definitely horrible. It’s in the worst state the game has ever seen, by far, and they can’t seem to add new things without breaking things.

We shouldn’t have new heroes until we have a new dev team because the ones we have are not capable of balancing or managing this game properly.

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Ana is the only post-release hero that is really good. The rest have to some degree only added frustration. Ashe and Baptiste included, although they could become decent with some alterations.
The rest should straight up be deleted again.

I respect your opinions, but I disagree. I’m not going to continue this discussion though. Feel free to continue it with someone else. I look forward to learning more about what you think. I just don’t want to have the discussion myself. I hope you both understand :slight_smile:

Oh please, people have been saying that since day 1, no matter how many changes the OG heroes receive. If they actually did what you want, we’d never get new heroes.

Sigma, Baptiste, Ball, and Ashe are all really good, although Baptiste is underpowered atm. Moira’s divisive but I like her. She’s nice to switch to when I’m getting dove too hard or when I need more independence and mobility. Brig, Sombra, and Orisa have their issues but are all ultimately good heroes as well.

Did I miss any? Oh yeah…Doomfist… :face_vomiting:

Meh, I think Doom is not that bad.

Ashe didn’t seem to have a big impact on the meta upon release, but not sure what made her so dominant lately.

But if we aren’t going to get new heroes for 4-8 months, then maybe they should fix some fundamental balance issues.

Ideally before OW2 launches.

I.e. “Why nobody wants to play Tank, and how that affects queue times”

They’ve been nerfing power creep like crazy. Pretty sure that’s targeting a fundamental issue. Remember the barrier nerfs?

I think it’s better to say trying.