Do you play competitive seriously?

Just been playing some comp tonight. Didn’t give a stuff about sr and something funny happened.

Went 6-2 on support and 2-0 on tank.

Tldr, I wasn’t tilted by perceived throwing, such as team mates pausing in spawn for 20 seconds mid fight, or when a dps apparently didn’t know what they were doing.

  1. Havana. Used mostly speed boost. Got payload to the end and stopped them in distillery. Dropped some nice ults and saved at least two team mates from messy charge deaths via boops.

  2. Oasis. Freaking crazy game. First team fight took so long I got ult twice during it. Beat them 2-0 at the end, but very very close game.

Had a Sombra and she was filthy. Several fight winning emps. After 5 crap Sombras, got a good one.

  1. Dorado loss. I think that one of our dps out if his depth. Only level 46 and no switch to counter enemy comp.
    But I made tons of mistakes as well. I’m going to review and see what I could have done to make it a win.

  2. Blizzard World win. They smashed us on attack, but we held them just before point 2. I tried Zen as I thought that we had issues doing damage. They had a Winston, but he was terrible and no threat.
    On attack I sped everybody in and we took point in 30 seconds. Got to 2 with a few minutes to spare.

  3. Anubis. Lost A and 97% of B, but we beat them 2-1. Our Reaper was dirty. I just sped him and dropped beat when he went in 1v4 to ult. GG.

  4. Kings Row. Full hold and took wedge after a couple of pushes. Died as stuck in doorway trying to wall ride. Ho hum.

  5. Eichenwald. In past I’d have been tilted at players stuck at spawn. Also had a silver Tracer that just wasn’t great. Enemy smashed it to end with 4 minutes left.
    Our attack was crappy and disjointed, but with a minute left Rein shatter landed and I got quintuple kill potg with coalescence. Got it to end with 2 minutes left.
    Also gave Bap a run out. Did okay with him, but feels like driving a monster truck Vs a Ferrari (Lucio).
    We just got point in overtime then got Sigma ulted off payload (cough cough what a crock). But we held them 1 metre short on their attack.

  6. Gibraltar. Loss as enemy Widow uncontested by our tanks. I should have done more as Lucio. One point she got away with 10 health. Lost it in ot as she got double headshot kill potg. I’d identified the enemy carry, but wasn’t skilled enough to neutralise her.

  7. Hanamura. Played Orisa. Awesome team. Mostly in chat. Held at point 2.
    Smashed it on attack point A and we combined five ults to take point B.
    Nice to play with team mates with brain cells that knew how to group up.

  8. Lijiang. Orisa again. Another great team. Grouped up after point lost. Dps were on point. Won 2-0. Just felt really easy. Managed 24-4 kd and got back to gold rank.

Just 10 really good games, of which 8 went my way.

One reason might be playing earlier at night, where there’s fewer drunks and stoners playing? I dunno.

Will I get feeder stoner morons next session? That’ll be the real test of the new mellow me.


After 17 seasons in high silver/low gold, staying faithful to all the information of how to ‘git gud’ and staying in high silver/low gold? All the while watching my random teammates I’m paired with make the same mistakes all match long, that i used to make in season 2 or 3?

Not only do I no longer take it seriously, I threw in the towel entirely and moved on to other games out of sheer apathy.

I simply couldn’t deal with the probability seemingly against me far more often than not, or at the very least ‘down the middle’ as goes the trope.

Only on my main. All my alts are for getting better at different roles/heros im not good at or for having fun and feeding. Which is kinda weird, because my Reddit Lucio account is higher than my main and I don’t tryhard on it it all.

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idk, my bro.
i find that games at certain times of the day really do make a difference.

Just speaking for RQ Beta (i have not had the time to sit through a full Comp game yet), i did all 15 placements in the afternoons and it was bad. The teams just did not group and i had more losses than wins.

Then for the rest of the RQ Beta season, a few days, i played like maybe … 10 games at night between 6-8pm for my main role, Tank and won 8 of 10 games. The games felt very different from the afternoon ones. More organised and disciplined.


Nope, its a joke and a welfare check to higher sr players…

No mmr/sr/pbsr resests.

game is what it is, just to have fun and see how many people can get mad and rage quit for the hero choice you make…

Maybe you’re providing more utility than you realise?

I’m currently rocking over 70% win rate on Lucio but sub 50% on Moira.

I’m obviously doing “something” right with Lucio, whilst I don’t, apparently, “get” how to play Moira.

The obvious conclusion, to climb further, is to not play Moira anymore, but stick with Lucio.

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I just play for fun, at the end of the day its just a game and im not being paid to play so there is 0 reason to take it seriously

Edit : that being said i dont throw games or he toxic i just play but have fun while doing it

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I’ve only been playing since season 7. I might feel your pain in about 8 more seasons :slight_smile:

I think a robust LFG would solve a lot of the heartache you describe QoL for the LFG

I play about 40 hours of Competitive mode per season. And if I’m not playing Competitive, I’m not logged in to the game. (I’ll do my placement matches for Copa Lucioball, Comp CTF, and play archives and Mei Snowball fight ect, but only enough to get the sticker/player icon.)

I view Competitive as a place for me to test my skills and the computer will tell me how good I am.

If I had a team that I played with once a week, then yes, I would get my practice games in. I feel that I’m more obligated towards my teammates than I am myself.

Solo ladder - I’ll take them as they come
Group ladder - I’m gonna make some plans

Who creates teams by random lot? It’s unorthodox to say the least.

When they decide to have a serious game balance with serious heroes, I’ll play seriously. Otherwise it’s all casual for me :confused:

I try to play my best 100% of the time, winning or losing. Maybe that’s my problem. It seems others can just mess around while still winning or losing the same SR.

I have three accounts. One is my main (this one), the other I made on a whim (Kind of ruined it though playing Comp placements with my Silver friend who has never climbed in two years - Fell from Gold, in fact. So now it’s more of a “get back to where you belong” account but I’m not interested in that so I don’t bother with it), and the third is like level 10 and I’ll level it up to play Comp for the purpose of ranking as high as I possibly can from the get-go…one day.

So I only comp with my main and I can sum up the years starting from my first Comp season (4) to now as this…

2017: Started in 800 Bronze in Season 4, dropped to 600 Bronze after my Season 5 placements (despite winning all of them haha. I had gotten months of practice in that I was out-performing everyone until I hit Gold), then climbed all the way up to Gold with a few bumps on the way, all through that season. I stayed in Gold for the rest of that year, pretty much.

2018: Finally decided it was time to climb again, so I climbed up to Plat really early that year. I played Comp until I hit high-Plat, then stopped. I also went on a very long hiatus so my Comp career died for quite some time.

2019: Played only my placements (won 5-7/10 each time) and didn’t bother climbing after that until RQ hit. Placed over 100SR lower than I have been in over a year for each role (DPS was justified - in fact the system was being generous haha) despite winning 3/5 for both Support and Tank. Since being placed this season I have only bothered with Support Comp as the hero and meta changes have made Tank incredibly unappealing to me. I climbed to Diamond within a few days and have been climbing steadily ever since, gaining an average of 20 - 40 SR per day and have a consistently fluctuating winrate of 66 - 70%. Thanks to my comp buddies not being online as much as I am though and my slight hesitance to solo-queue, I have not been playing nearly as much as I would like.

So you could say I take Comp more seriously than I have in a long time and I intend to in the future, at least with Support Comp. And sorry for the long post, but I always write essays when I respond to posts because I’m probably a narcissist and think that even the slightest detail is relevant to absolutely everyone who ever reads my stuff :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m a Mercy main and it isn’t rare that I’m the only Mercy in the match. But, I’m very good and I can work around pretty much any team and win playing her. So I do it. I’ve been asked to play Ana instead multiple times, but my aim with her is GARBO and I would be soft-throwing were I to abide by that request. That being said, I am practicing Zen…Honestly as long as you’re playing well, you can win a game with any healer. Unless it’s a Lucio/Zen combo because that is just tragic for most comps now with the compulsory two Tanks.

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I mean i probably am getting more value, but the weird thing is that I’m an OT player and a tank player in general. Plus, I try to 1v1 as many DPS or supports as possible on my main but ive hit Masters on it first then my hitting Masters on my main role trying my hardest. :man_shrugging:

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I tried so hard, to counter, to communicate, to play the role that team needed (before rolequere), what I received is only disappointment and anger.
Now I play torbjorn only, both attacking and defending, both A/B and payload, no communication, no switch… I felt very happy while I killed someone…
I don’t know if u guys know the story “Gresham’s Law: Bad money drives out”, well, that’s it.

I play seriously as I feel that the whole point of competitive is for people who actually want to take the game serious to play.

One of the reasons I dislike smurfs/alt accounts is because you’re just not in it to win it if you’re not on your main, many people maintain this carefree attitude and if they lose, oh well, at least it wasn’t on their main.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

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You have to understand that you are playing to beat the enemy team and also learning how to adapt to what your team is doing. It is all about personal improvement. You wont get tilted when you take FULL responsibility for losses and bad plays - there is always something you could have done better regardless of how your team, in your opinion, threw.

So focus on improving your game understanding of both enemies and your own team dynamics and you will enjoy it more.

Yes it is hard to solo queue since each new game would have different team dynamics and you would have to adapt fast, but thats part of the game too!

One advice though - mute toxic players straight up and focus on the game instead of listening to their crap advice and negativity.

Take advice from pros, not from people at your rank

i only have one account. there are far too many anti-competitive factors that make “competitive” mode a joke. blizz could fix things, but i guess they’re making more than enough money from the status quo.

depends on the account.

I always try to win but there are things I could improve on or just kind except now a days.

Some people think being serious= being a D-bag. As long as you are trying to win and work with your team you are serious.

I have lately have stopped being cooperative when team mates start being toxic. It’s hard to work with Jerks.

I main WB so on attack I almost always open with him. On defense and KOTH maps its more dependent on the map and what my team picks. I guess I’m just sick of 1 min in or 1 fight in hearing “damn WB sucks” “we don’t need WB” ext ext.

I’m over it I guess and I’ll play how I think is best

I have 5 ALTS and 70 to 100 unopened loot boxes.

Since the 2-2-2 and this meta I de ranked to all aprox -500 to 600 SR.

Im for the first time totally bored of the game to many abilities to many hogs and dvas against Sigma/Orisa/Bastion … to much Moira … now to much tracer / reaper and the new maps are the worst.

I hope they release a new OW