Do you like sym?

I liked Sym 2.0 and 1.0 as they were very unique to both play with, as and against. Sym 3.0 is boring, she lost everything that made her special. Boring hero now.

It seems like nobody really loves her right now, and I’ve LOVED playing sym before. She’s either called no skill and an insta win or shes called trash because she doesnt do enough damage. And its not just that she’s a turret hero, the torb rework proved turret heros can go from trash tier to totally viable. I think the main issue may be the perspective :confused: people are judging her alongside reaper and mccree and doomfist, which is fair, why pick the low damage sym who CAN support instead of another high damage hero who you know can at least shoot a shield till it breaks? Her only draws are her teleporter (which got “reworked” aka nerfed) her shield ultimate (which people complain about for being closer to a tank or support ult than a dps ult) and her turrets (own mess of problems depending on rank, but nonetheless never fun to play against, and if the enemy team knows to focus them then you get WAY less value, unlike a torb turret you can put behind a shield). Her primary and secondary fire ARE good but…not usually quite good enough…if you want a high damage projectile just play hanzo. If you want shield break just play reaper or junk or a hero like doom that ignores shields. Those damage heros also don’t have to be babysat until they reach full damage, unlike syms beam. Right now the reason to play her is if your whole team plays around you (unlikely) or because you have fun playing her, but shes not really fun right now

I loved sym most back right before infinite tp patch because sym was more fun with being dynamically flexible to do many things: flanking, frontlining, peeling, securing claimed area, claiming new area, pincer attacks, kiting, etc. Arguably, that sym most embodies what you described as what you want from sym.

but right now she’s like as if no reworks happened and is absolutely horrible. the key thing that made sym3.0 better and different from her previous versions is the availability to cast tp which let sym be more mobile in performing various roles, taking up various positions, etc. now that it’s either stuck somewhere or stuck in cd, it’s as if she doesn’t have that ability.

And a huge issue is people don’t know what optimal sym play looks like and think sym should be some taxi hero in her optimal play or that tp should only be "team"ability. tp is and should be sym’s ability 1st, then the teams, i.e. even in design wise, tp should be balanced around getting sym herself (independently), in and out of fights at least just as much as for passive “team” uses. otherwise we’re left with a highly team dependent hero that can’t do anything by themselves, i.e. what we’re supposed to move on from (sym1.0).

additionally, unless sym is going to get a massive rework that has minimal resemblance to her previous kits, I don’t really think sym fits as a support. like even if you read her comic (the raw vision for sym) what you see there is sym3.0 right before infinite tp patch: using tp to infiltrate, secure area with turrets, flanking to get what she wants, then get out without much fuss. that’s much more fitting to dps than support imo. the idea of controlling areas with negative reinforcement to the enemy team is much more fitting to damage rather than supports. esp in ow 2-2-2 where healers are of high value due to lack of sustain sources i.e. makes choosing a support that can’t heal a really hard choice.

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Sadly, if your not widow or hanzo your going to get nerfed

She was designed since day 1 as, and I’m paraphrasing Jeff Kaplan here, as a “mother hen that builds up her own defensive little nest”. They designed her to take up a location and just protect it, which explains the turrets/beam play style.

That kind of gameplay is never going to sit well with players. It’s basically camping and everyone hates campers. It’s also why Torbjorn 1.0 also got a lot of flak for being defense heavy, but not near as bad as Symmetra.

I used to back when she was considered useless. Then she got buffed, everyone started playing her and I realized who completely unfun she is to fight against. Glad they nerfed her again.

Turrets are not fun and have never been fun to deal with in this game or any other FPS. But at least in most games (like TF2) there’s a class designed specifically to counter them and an engineer couldn’t just plop a fully upgraded turret in the middle of the enemy team, plus it takes a few seconds for them to start shooting so you can react. Here, Torb has the ability to generate a 250 HP character with an aimbot installed. He should be classified as a tank, because his HP + his turret’s HP = as much as Roadhog, and I hate that you have to take damage as soon as a turret notices you. Unless you use an ability or there’s a wall you can hide behind or something, you’re getting hit and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Sym’s turrets are the same way. They might be squishy, but when you’re fighting them you’re not fighting her, so she gets several seconds to shoot you for free while you deal with her turrets (or you ignore them and they kill you because again, 100% accuracy).

I don’t mind BOB as much because he’s an ult and he goes away after a few seconds, so that’s fine. But with Sym and Torb, their turrets sit there forever until you destroy them, and then a few seconds later they just drop more.

Exactly. From experience, I’ve noticed that Sym pops off when her tanks know how to make space for her and protect her. She’s not exactly like other dps. She sort of needs to be babysat, but not like bastion either. She’s awkward, and the devs have no idea what role she’s supposed to fill.

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I just don’t like her ult. She’s a dps with a 5,000 hp shield that stretches across the map. I just don’t like it’s design… she has more barriers than poor winston it feels especially when good players can get sym ult’s in under 1min and a half.

She’s a terrible DPS and that shield just got double nerfed (4k HP, 12 sec).

Getting her ult extremely quickly (if the opponents aren’t simply bad) often relies on hyper-aggro tactics that requires her to sacrifice literally everything else in her entire kit (and even die constantly on purpose).
Playing her like that means that in a real fight, she’ll basically just spam poke damage and usually have an ult… but that’s it. No mobility, CC, reliable damage, burst, turrets, TP, nothing. Just a wall.

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this is because of sym not having the mobility to justify her range and not having the sustain to justify her delays. 3.0 before infinite tp solved the 1st issue so she wasn’t as team dependent, but now they took away her on demand mobility, so back to sym1.0 life she goes.


Revert TP or rework her into a healer. That’s it.

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I don’t see why people keep saying she doesn’t have on demand mobility. Stop putting it in your spawn.

Ma’am… you’re forgetting that in TF2 you die to turrets in like no time. Torb’s turret is kinda like the mini turret in TF2.

When will you stop defending the TP change, lol… it nerfed it’s usage outside of putting it at spawn

It was a nerf to her flexibility with it, but it can still do literally everything it did before, and more since you don’t have to worry about it vanishing on its own when you need it. Nerf and a buff.

Sym was a hero that previously had 0 mobility or defensive options. It is impossible to ever view her mobility as bad when she originally had nothing but footsies and corners to rely on.

new tp isn’t on demand. you use it once, then either you immediately break it hoping nothing changes to make your decision to break early the right one, or you pray that nothing happens in the 12s after you destroy tp which is literally nearly a highlight long.

if you use it dynamically, you’re frequently suffering guaranteed of at least 12s blocks of hero down time, a huge cost that deters you from using it for “smaller” uses like using it to tank an auto targeting enemy for an escape . like the cost of not being able to use tp whilst it’s ticking away on cd is huge. like just look at how sombra’s recent translocator buffs her uptime. that’s kinda what we had with sym tp. but now it’s gone

if you use it passively, you suffer not actually having to when you need it or suffer bunkering down a lot.

often stuck on cd or somewhere else or is too costly/“not worth it” to:

  • escape threats
  • block auto aim
  • scout
  • claim new area
  • spontaneous flank when opportunity arises
  • jump to back line to peel
  • jump to frontline for sneaky angle to add front line pressure

so if rein’s barrier was made much larger in area, same hp, and had a guaranteed 12s cd starting upon deactivation or destruction, are you still going to say “rein’s shield change is great because he can still use it for all the uses he had before and more”?

like the issue is that new tp is almost as if she didn’t have a tp with that long down time punishing and discouraging general migration or change in it’s purpose via trying to place it differently.

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Big nerf and a small, small buff… literally never had a problem with it vanishing - outside of it getting destroyed - which can still happen.

Stop saying this. It makes no cents, luv. You can’t compare nerfed TP to Sym 2.0. She was a completely different hero. Compare it to what we actually had before this new TP. A decent TP.

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I love Symmetra, she’s one of my favorite characters to play. Now that you mention it, though, I haven’t played her in a hot minute. I do wish she didn’t get nerfed to the extent that she did, as it felt a little overkill to me.

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Support sym was more fun then this trash now.


Syms kit fully allows her to fortify and hold an area for about 12 seconds unless 3-4+ people push her. Otherwise she can definitely stall out that cd time.

In my experience the only time this actually becomes an issue is if you cast it and die immediately, which I admit is an issue that Blizzard could’ve put more forethought into. Otherwise, as long as it’s up, it literally cannot be considered “downtime.” At most it could use a small cd reduction, but it’s current functionality is completely fine.

You’re acting like 12s is literally an hour. It’s not. And while you’re fumbling with the decision on whether or not you should use it, you’ve likely amassed enough time to use it twice.

You cannot possibly think this is a good comparison as if the abilities or kits of the hero are the same at all.

Yes because we’re Sym players and got used to the CD, having an indicator for that CD, and memorized the sound cues. Most teammates did not.

I’m not, I’m talking about 1.0. It’s important because many people missed out on learning how to survive or perhaps have forgotten how to survive as Sym without a barrier or mobility and it shows. The complaints now are no different than the plethora of Sym players that complained about losing the old photon barrier.