Do you like 6v6?

I’ve liked both, and both have their issues. I also think the limit of 3 is just going to be tank stacking and will be received pretty negatively. Unless there are some real big tank nerfs.

Too. Thats the magic word.

Unpopular opinion; however, 6v6 only works as open queue. Placing arbitrary restrictions will serve only to inflate queue times. We already have open queue. Just make that 6v6 and call it a day. It’s not as if they are going to separately balance for both which defeats the purpose of restrictions to begin with. 6v6 (2-2-2) only works if they replace 5v5.

Sorry, not sorry. It’s the truth.

6vs6 was a fun format before goats and DF release.

As I said if they are going back to 6vs6 as a standard comp (outside of Arcade etc) without reworking the entire roster its going to fail

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Most problems in OW actually come from some poorly designed heroes, and putting such heroes in a wrong role(in RQ).

RQ and 5v5 were there to hide some of such problems, because Blizz stubbornly denied to admit and correct their faulty hero designs. But they also created another serious problems.

They still love extreme character designs make balancing extremely hard or impossible. Shooting themselves in the foot.

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Do you like 6v6?

  • Yes.

What are your expectations for 6v6?

  • I expect 6v6 will solve some of the core issues that were caused by 5v5.
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I liked 6v6 and I like 5v5. What’s most important to me personally is we keep role queue. If role queue has to go for 6v6 to work then I’d rather keep 5v5.

If we do go 6v6, keeping tanks relatively strong is important to me. Of course they will need some nerfs but it could easily go overboard. I wouldn’t want anything weaker than the end state of 6v6 OW1 for any tank. Honestly some felt a bit anemic even then.

I miss it, lots
in the ‘versions’ that want to offer it will be interesting I guess.

Between 122 and 222, then 5v5 is infinitely superior. However I’m ready for a new format in either 5v5 or 6v6. 6v6 was my favorite before they did role queue in 2019

I really hope it succeeds.
Based on open Q, I am almost certain that the min 1 / max 3 characters / role format will be “unsuccessful”, as the optimal comp for it will be 3 tanks / 2 healers / 1 dps deathball.

I don’t see an effective way around 2-2-2, other than possibly implementing conditional buffs that increase survivability when you have only 1 tank or support. Adding a specific flex role might also work if it is 1-1-1-3 (flex) with specific flex slots for Tank/Dps, Support/Dps and Tank / Support, essentially splitting the game into 6 roles.

There’s really simple ways to screw double shield: just give extra (could be double, the # could be tweaked) shield break to certain brawl heroes like Sym, Junk, Mei, Reaper, Torb, etc. Or do things like Hack forces a shield drop/lockout for 3s (all the numbers could be tweaked).

Could also simply lower global shield HP by a % when more than one is on the field.

These solutions feel simple and easy to implement while not seeming too oppressive. It’s just a matter of how/if the dev team is up to balancing the mode.

They’re not really up to balancing 5v5 well so I guess you need to grain of salt everything. Hopefully 6v6 will be easier to tweak.

I love the ol school classic 6v6.

This dev team taking extra steps and adding more stuff like forced role compositions and keeping passives ain’t what I asked for.

Just the OG way of playing 6v6. No need for increased bullet sizes and increased HP.

I expect 6v6 will still be nice, but miss the mark not being the same as classic 6v6

Yes, if people keep playing it/them.

It’s possible, but I doubt initially they’ll be getting rid of any modes. RQ MH is in unranked now and MH is still a permanent card in the Arcade (though I’d argue it shouldn’t be :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ).

Ideally they balance per mode, but hopefully 6v6 or 5v5 RQ will lead balance. They already take into account console when it comes to PC balance so IDK if whatever the lead is will matter. It’s not like Top 500 and Bronze play the same game as it is, anyway.

Rebalance, yes. Rework? I doubt it (unless it becomes way more popular than 5v5).

The smartest thing they’d do is change tank HP based on %, unlike what they do for open queue as it is. Who knows how lazy they will be, though.

Yeah, this is my fear. And with how little it’s clear the balance team understands the interactions within the game, it’s a big worry. Especially since they said they’d give min 1, max 3 the open queue balancing change…which is a health pool change that doesn’t deal with the problem they created these last 2 years…like, at all.

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I like 6v6. I like 5v5.

I like Overwatch, so both are fine.

Both have issues that you can’t ignore if you’re trying to seriously discuss the merits of one vs the other. But I don’t care which they go with.


6v6 is astronomically better than 5v5, though like others mentioned that have common sense, if the tanks aren’t heavily nerfed, they will be very oppressive in 6v6

IMHO, I expect the devs to put a bunch of alternate rules, stipulations, and requirements on it, to try and kill the idea before it ever has a chance to succeed. Then they can say, “We gave it an honest try, but it wasn’t a success,” and move on.

They will do everything in their power to try and keep from having to rewind the tape back to OW1 in any form or fashion. They lack the personnel, time, and resources to fully implement it, and it doesn’t align with their main focus of creating things to sell in the Blizz Shop.

6v6 was miles better than 5v5 though…IMHO.

If I had my druthers, there would be a constantly available 6v6 mode in QP (222) and Arcade (open queue), just like in OW1, as an option to 5v5. I’m tired of one player’s (tank) choice (generally) dictating the success of failure of a match.

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  • Solo DPS will be able to meaningfully interact with a tank, unlike in 5v5.
    *Meaningful interaction with 100% of a team in 6v6, as opposed to meaningful interaction with 80% of a team in 5v5.
  • Double-shield won’t exist as an oppressive force as there is no viable tank combo that enables it.
  • More hero variety.
  • Less counterswapping.
  • More player agency.
  • More friends to play with.
  • More fun.

Yessir, I’d actually que tank again so I can actually off-tank. Good times.