Do you guys agree with me?

I am an OG overwatch player have been playing ever since OW1 first dropped back in 2016 and have been playing and enjoying the game until OW2 came out and heres why.

  1. Blizzard your ranking system is TRASH. Please tell me how I derank from gold 1 from Plat 4 when get 15-20 k damage, 20-30 kills, 10,000+MIT and 1-10 deaths as a tank for 6/7 for my games but as soon as I get a win and I don’t do as well for my last game before I get a new rank I derank?

  2. Your Skill based matchmaking MAKES NO SENSE. Every game I always get those 1-2 players on my team who 100000% don’t deserve to be in the same game as the other people in the team who are actually the same skill level as me. They always dont do well compared to the rest of us and they become the reason why we lose and make people frustrated. I recently had a lucio who had 5k heals compared to the other healer who HAD 18K HEALS. LIKE WHAT?!?!?!?

  3. Your hero balancing and reworks are terrible. Why did you make doomfist a tank, you literally removed one of the most funnest and balanced characters in the game to a boring and trash tank who dies every 0.5 seconds because he has so many counters. Also you do unnecessary nerfs to character who were already balanced like to Doom but characters like sojourn and Symetra are still so broken and characters like Junker Queen are not so good and are in desperate needs for buffs.

  4. BRING BACK LOOTBOXES. I DO NOT wanna spend $20+ on one legendary skin like not many people can afford it. I’m guessing the reason you guys did this is because you made the game free to play but still c’mon. I really wanted to get a skin for sigma since he’s my main but I don’t have the money to compared to In OW1 where you had a chance to at least get a skin you wanted and you got one every time you leveled up.

Their is so much wrong like removing the 6v6. I really hope Blizzard reworks the whole game in season 3 and actually bring a fair and fun game to its community and players.


The problem is not about 6 vs 6 or 5 vs 5 the main problem for me is that nothing works because the base players don´t know how to play , we need better tutorials because the mediocre skill of the regular player don´t improve because blizzard protect them.


I agree with the doom thing, his kit by design is so niche and intended for certain play styles against certain heroes and having him as a solo tank just ain’t it.

Dps doom was so unique and fun to play, his skill ceiling alongside all his tech was insane. He was a middle of the pick hero in gm (aka balanced even though lower ranks won’t agree).
He’d need damage nerfs for ow2 and the removal of his one shot but I’d take it considering his dps kit was so fun to play.

Anyway back to the tank topic, he’s so easy to counter compares to other tanks who can also do his job it’s ridiculous!

Dva and ball can displace other heroes whilst having better defences, winston and dva can both dive whilst being able to address heroes like pharah echo and or poke if you’re winston.

I just feel like his design is too weak for solo tank, probably because he was never meant to be a tank in the first place…
Nothing about his dps kit screamed tank at all.


What are the average stats for that rank?

More information would be needed to get a better picture.
Was Lucio playing aggressively? Was he focusing on speed? Was he getting targeted? Was the other healer someone with a higher healing output?

Yes, please.
People were saying for ages to have a store where you could buy what you wanted directly… but they didn’t mean to get rid of lootboxes!

i seem to remember forums hating df back in ow1

He was just speed boosting to the team by himself and dying constantly. He only came back to heal everyone twice through out the whole game. 90% of his heals was to himself. Even the Enemy team was talking about how he is throwing and that he is ruining the game for everyone.


Oof, that sucks. I’m sorry.

Yup. I’ve been bugging them about this sort of stuff since Beta.

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You’ll get some variance. But the same is true on the other sides. Sometimes you’re in games where you’re the weakest link and the others are wondering why someone like you is in their game. And sometimes you’ll get one of those on the other team, and think to yourself you’re so good you’re stomping them when the reality is they’ve been popped into a game where everyone else is a higher MMR and given a chance to shine or lose. Don’t see you complaining about those ones :slight_smile:

How do you feel about Tracer’s buff?
I told you so.

Im referring to this thread:

i’m sorry but how is Symetra broken? are you saying broken as in OP or weak?

…5v5 is fun though…? :thinking:

Wouldn’t really know too much. Blizzard used to use the ELO standard (aka the Chess ranking standard) back with Overwatch, but they received quite a few complaints about it. Honestly, they should’ve done like Virtua Fighter 4 and up did with the ELO and tie to character specifics, rather than the individual. But, you get what you get.

My understanding is that there is definitely something messed up with it, and Support being the lowest population right now can be a problem; but this was an issue back with OW1 too when they switched to Role-queue.

From my understanding, there’s no parameter for “hours played” in the game to set up a baseline. So there’s all sorts of issues going on now. Back when I first started playing OW2 on launch week, there wasn’t any real issues with MMR, but it generally got worse the longer and more I played.

Doomfist wasn’t balanced in OW1. He had the highest deaths per kill in the game and his entire kit basically encouraged breaking the map-restrictions and barriers as much as possible in order to maximize Seismic Slam’s damage. Those that couldn’t or wouldn’t do this, suffered, while the rest thrived up to certain point.

Have to agree with this. Or just give out tokens for every game played and let players buy cosmetics with in-game currency.

Definitely agree with tutorials. I’ve been pounding that drum for years.

Just as an aside, Lucio tends to have one of the highest healing outputs in the game that very few Supports can match-up with. Even in OWL and other professional games, Lucio tends to top meters with healing in the 5 digit ranges.

He has the ability to, but that doesn’t mean he always will. All of the questions I asked can impact Lucio’s heal numbers.

Not denying that. But there’s very few supports that can compete with that. Moira and Brigitte being the few exceptions.

3 and 4 only things I agree
Mainly because I don’t play comp so I don’t care for match making junk. I jump into a game and just play

Agree balance of heroes has for me been horrible with unnecessary reworks of heroes only because Streamers and OWL made them appear too much. While the causal players just…are sad kids who can’t think for themselves.
(Rip mass rez)

Loot box as they appeared to be gambling in other places. At least for someone who didn’t care for rank and exp, I was given a reward for sucking or doing good. OW2, I’ve earned nothing unless I pay for them first

Can’t agree with the lootboxes I rather control what I get, Now if they were like one or two cosmetics but the rest are coins that’s the reward for say like very 5 match but every 10 or 20 matches you get a legendary skin based on who you won the match with.
That way players will have more reason to play other heroes.

how could you not agree when you list the things most people agree with

Hey, I may sound like a 10-year-old boy on voice chat, but that doesn’t mean I actually am a 10-year-old boy!

What about Ana and Bap?

When people say things like OP did or somehow say that their opinions are “unpopular,” their opinions are usually quite popular.