Do you ever randomly snipe a sombra?

cause I just did as genji, and IT FELT SOOO GOOD

heres the replay code: QFA2YR

timestamp: 7:45

I just started to shoot with spread shuriken’s randomly in hopes of hitting sombra(didnt think it would actually work tho.)

Congratz, yeah if you keep an eye out she is pretty easy to predict when going invis.
Seen way too many people give up a chase the instant she cloaks.

me and this sombra had a little bit of a fight going the whole game, mostly because I would target and solo ult them when they played widow.

just felt great to solo ult them as sombra too xD

Sombra beefs are damn normal.
Never have i been called names as much as when i play her and focus on widows and supports, i take it as a mark of honor :rofl:
Some people just hate her guts

I dont even have chat on, she was just bagging me whenever I killed her

tbf, I did the same, but I dont count that xD

I have indeed called them with an Earthshatter. Not sure if that counts as a snipe given the wide hitbox and everything, but it feels amazing regardless.

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it counts xD, its fun because they think they are safe, when in reality, they absolutely arent

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I did once, we’d been dueling when she went invisible and ran away. In frustration I shot an icicle in a completely random direction… and headshot the invisible Sombra.

I swear they must have thought I was cheating. :joy:

i get the exact opposite reaction

the sombras start flaming me when their power fantasy of spam hacking the wrecking ball player doesnt seem to work very well

especially if im the only reason why they swapped sombra to begin with

though, sometimes they will try and play it off by saying im a smurf or my team is pocketing me



Serves them right for going in alone vs ball :rofl:

I’ve been told to go outside, i’ve been called the b word in multiple languages, i have had people threaten to report me when i lazer focus on one person.

I take all the slurs and insults as a mark of honor, on the other side there is a person getting absolutely tilted, that’s reward enough for me.
And that is only with 12 hours of playtime with her

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I mean I hate ball, the only reason hes not the worst tank is dva exists, and he should have WAY more counters than he does

but man, it feels so good to kill a sombra

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Yes got one with a Mei icicle. Felt very good

As a sombra player it is funny to accidently be killed, the reactions are always them looking down confused

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All the time. I know the common flank routes and will spycheck, but I’m also good at tracking her if we reveal her a bit in stealth. I’ve gotten better at leading my shots into her.

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i’ve been playing sombra for a while now and yea… i have been pinned by rein out of nowhere in stealth before

im like … :scream_cat:

Works more often than you think. I spam shoot into corridors on occasion as a support and that’s how i escape attempted spawn camps as well.

Just a quick fan of shuriken behind your supps on occasion might be the only peeling they need when a sombra is about.
I do that with reaper on oq on occasion (and as supp, always), just shoot around my supports when i feel i haven’t seen the sombra for 5 seconds.
Shuts them down or scares them off half the time.

The one true sombra counter.