Do you even care about Symmetra, Blizzard?

She could totally work as an off Tank. Her ULT is pretty Tanky.

You know what i agree if she will have 100 hp and 300 shield she can be a viable, she can actually be a very good damage offtank hero, imagine her not dying when she reached her lvl 3 charge due to her hp. And her Barrier is a glorified rein shield so yes. Lets see if winston will still jump her head on huehuehuehue

Only thing is she becomes closer and closer to Zarya.

Well her weapon is almost like zarya anyways so might us well make her an off tank while their at it, im actually more excited about this now that you mentioned it. With brig armor comes a 500 hp symm face melting goddess! Bow to her powah!

I can almost taste the salt of people complaining why she is an offtank with that small frame and hitbox.


They won’t read this post at all

I don’t think thy care about anything at this point.


I was thinking that maybe they could give her an ability like Torb, that would grant her 300 shields, and also make her silhouette thicker, this way her hitbox would be bigger.

She could be like “canalizing hardlight” or something, so she could be full of light just like the goddess she is

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I mean they reworked her a bunch of times as a means of trying to get her pickrate higher…

Going the torb route could work, move both tp and sentries to shift (swap between them with shift, primary places, secondary cancels) give her a similar 4 second buff but instead of attack speed and move speed have her beam pierce everything in its path and orbs pierce but stop after the first hero is hit.

They didn’t rework her because they were trying to get her to have a higher pickrate.

They reworked her because (especially because of OWL) she was never seen in the pro scene.

For a pro game to work you need your entire roster of characters to be played once so that people think that you know how to balance a game. But because she wasn’t played once, blizzard pulled a

“O n0 sUImentHria iS BAd wE m0ssT reW0rK HeR”


I have never seen anything that connects her rework to OWL. Could you show me some connection then?

If the best players in the world didnt even use her I think there is a problem

When Jeff’s says “she’s too niche” he really means, “our video game playing robot children don’t like her”

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So… if the player base isn’t happy about something, they shouldn’t do anything?

That’s kind of depressing to read that when on WoW’s forums they don’t bother with it unless the thread is too toxic. WoW forums got stronger workers then.

Indeed their spark died about 2017 and shifted somewhere else which is really sad. WoW spark died around WoD. It could of died at Cataclysm, but MoP brought it back a bit.

They’ve been good at doing that task for quite sometime now.

If you consider the entire playerbase as 50 OWL players

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So her rework which was brought to the live serves for millions of players was only directly suppose to cater less than .01% of the playerbase (OWL players)?

Even if that was true, her rework was most certainly tied in with her pickrate on the ranked ladder across all elos

But why should we care about the best players in the world? They aren’t the majority and I could care less about them. Wouldn’t you rather listen to the people who actually play her?


They don’t care so hard that they spent hours upon hours on making a full rework for her.