Do we still need health packs?

Now that every character can restore their own hp, i dont think we need health packs anymore. Ive always found it frustrating to be winning a fight with someone only for them to pick up a healthpack and win the 1v1.

I realize this nerfs characters, like Doom, Ball, Genji, and Tracer, but maybe we can give them something else in exchange? Would love to know your thoughts


That’s just good positioning on their part IMO, don’t think health packs need to be removed cause of that


Those two chars are barely playable as is right now (depending on the capability of enemy dps) - removing health packs would straight up destroy them.

Then again why not.
The game is a :poop: show anyways this season.


Um Ball is/was very meta and Doom is a very good pick because Dive is good. If you are struggling on either hero the issue is you not the hero because they are far more than “barely” playable.


Okay, let me take the bait. What’s your playtime on those two heroes?

The self healing passive isn’t a replacement for health packs. They’re still incredibly valuable for all heroes, and playing around them is good positioning.


To be fair, they all could use a nerf at the moment. :joy:

But leave them health packs alone.

We talking overall or this season. I do not want to tank much this season because it is not fun but overall I would put my time on tank over yours. However that is a pointless argument because the actual conversation is over whether a hero is good and actually playing the game can tell you that.

If you queue up, outside of metal ranks because everything is viable and very playable in the metal ranks, you are going to see a lot of Dive. If you are seeing Dive then you are seeing Dive tanks and of them you are going to want to pick Ball considering how bursty everything still is. The Doom specialists will keep him with high representation in the top 500 and because he is also a Dive tank in a very Dive meta he is a great pick.

Basically of the Dive tanks its: Ball, Doom/DVA, and then Winston. Winston is not bad but people can just swap DVA and you are not relevant anymore. The tank role as a whole feels very very brittle which is why Ball is great because he is the best at surviving in a meta where healing is at its least valuable. Again, this might change with whatever the next set of changes are but for right now that is how it is.

Don’t fix what is not broken.

The health packs were already underwhelming before the change.

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then you weren’t winning that 1v1 they positioned better than you simple as

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You do notice that you fit every clichĂ© and insult these forums usually come up with by posting half a homework essay evading to answer my very simple question and shoving the casual “The Doom specialists will keep him with high representation in the top 500” in there that everyone was awaiting with their popcorn ready to go, yes?

//edit: I forgot:

So long as supports continue to NOT support of course we do.

I like health packs because they add an element of map control and general interest beyond the objectives. That mega in the Nepal entryway is important, for example. And it even touches on some balance stuff, really. As any Jedi can tell you, high ground matters - so the map makers tend to stick all the medkits on low ground to soften the blow to the suckers below. It’s no accident that particular small medkit was removed from Junkertown B.

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5sec out of combat is a stupidly long time and it should be. Everyone shouldn’t be healing after a couple of seconds. You need to allow for a delay long enough to chase and keep pressure on someone to close things out.

5sec out of combat cannot replicate constant in-combat sustain to keep pressure and momentum along with the ability to leave cover to claim space. This is the value that healing provides that a passive can never replicate.

Health packs are like miniature areas to contest over in a match. They are sub objectives in a way which can both help you and hinder you. If you move to a health pack for healing, you are predictable in motion. People know you want to move to that health pack making your walking path predictable and headshots easy. Along with you are likely a low hp target.

Holding space around a health pack gives you some more strength knowing that you do not require support help to maintain a position you can keep possibly high up time.

The balance is blizzard on putting packs in places which makes sense.

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Main Mercy here, im using them all the time

Actually, found myself asking the same question in deathmatch. Probably still need them for main game modes, but wonder if DM modes should have them removed. Might rachet up the tension a bit.

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Oh you are just some low effort troll who is not mature enough to engage with. Do not worry someday you will grow up but now I know your level I know you are not worth wasting time with.

Goodbye Mr Troll and for the record I typed that up in less than a 90 second download I was waiting on. If you consider that a mini essay you must be failing school so you should probably focus on that.

Hey man I don’t like that person either, but they are not wrong about Wrecking Ball at least (it’s hard to say about Doomfist because he is bugged which is not unusual, he is always bugged),

Wrecking Ball is actually pretty strong because of the passive healing, but he still needs to use those healthpacks. Waiting for the passive healing to heal him all the way would take too long.

Yeah but when i win a 1v1 because of a healthpack it doesnt feel like a fair win, it feels like i cheesed him. It just isnt fun

I asked a very simple question about your playtime on DF and Ball. Your reply is a passive-aggressive essay about how you think you are better than me (“I would put my time on tank over yours”) instead of simply answering my question, topping it off with the typical “In ToP 500 ThE GaMe PlAyS LiKe ThIs YoU KnOw” that nobody asked for.

When ridiculed for your evasive reply you simple throw insults at me.

You’re giving me a mouthful about maturity while acting absolutely contrary to that yourself.

On a sidenote: you still keep evading my question, which only proves my point - no insults or diversions needed.

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