Delete this please..pls

Soon o’clock.

We don’t even know whether it will be today.


The week isn’t over yet.

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The genji sword was the dev update


Yeah. itll be next week, most likely.

They said it was this week tho 1 week ahgo they said next week

Kaplan said it “should,” which isn’t a guarantee, and the week isn’t over.

Doesn’t really matter. If there isn’t one these forums are gonna be a not very nice place.

They release it whenever they feel like it.

Did they ever say it was today or did people read into the things that weren’t meant to be read into?

Dude they can’t keep their word for sh** J.K said once in March that the changes to Rein would be coming somewhere around April and they came in september and he said past week that the developer update would be coming this week and it didn’t.

They said this week. Thursdays are usually when they release PTR and they rarely do stuff on Fridays. so if it was coming this week. Today would have been the most likely other than Tuesday.

oh right… i forgot about that fiasco…

Nobody gave you any word on anything. They come out and say something like this because the community is too impatient and starts pressuring them to release info on things they’re working on but aren’t ready to reveal. Jeff said a video is coming this week. The week isn’t over yet. Relax.

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But Develops Videos were often at Friday or?

It hasn’t been an entire week yet.

They’re random. Mostly Tuesday/Thursday. But it did happen in Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday before.

yea one time if i remember correctly…

“the community is too impatient” excuse me, what? Reinhardt players have been waiting for like a year for his bug fixes and you come tell me this?

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This is the forums we take everything as an absolute here!!!

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