Do the overwatch devs actually look at the forums?

They might just be correcting grammar mistakes tho, you can’t really suspect this.

Yes, some (if not most) of them are negative, but even in threads that has healthy discussions, devs dont even bothered to reply. They mostly reply to something in an obscure, unrelated thread that doesn’t have any meaningful discussion in it, or only in threads that say thank you to them. How will healthy discussion with devs can happen if they keep doing it like that?
Even CMs aren’t actively communicating to the players even though it is their job.
With near to nil communications, no wonder the salt level keeps getting higher and higher. I still remember that the Old forum doesn’t have that much salty threads as the new forum.

I think that says more about the community than the company. The community is so toxic that they honestly don’t want to deal with them unless they have to.

They can still communicate to players, just not directly on the forums, but a one way communications from them to the players on their website through news and notices. Honestly, I would prefer this method if we get news more frequently from them.

As i said, their decision in ignoring the forums has a hand in creating more toxicity because of the salt levels.
If they don’t start to try to fix it, the who will? This is their OFFICIAL forum, for god’s sake.
Just putting a lid on it and forgetting it won’t fix anything.

Forums are originally for players to communicates with players, the devs has never really participate in them. The community manager is only there to make sure things don’t go out of hand, and pass technical problems to the developers. All direct communications from the devs/company would be posted on the news or notices. This has always been the case with all game companies.

You guys just got spoil with how the devs decided to talk directly on the forums with their developer account. It is not surprising that they started to participate on the forum less frequent.

Please read again the announcement from josh.
Or maybe i should share the link here?


And I suggest you to read my post carefully too. I said:

I wasn’t talking about only this forum, I am talking about forums in general.

It doesn’t change the fact that the company decides to communicate directly to the community on the forums, and you guys got spoil from it.

I’m talking about the official forum, not other forum in general. Why would you reply it with forums in general? The point is the objective of this forum is clear enough with that announcement, and bringing other forums objective is not a solid argument.

People complaining propably scared them off, or they are worried that reading this might break ther mind.

Believe me, working with game publishers, I’ve seen this happen many times. They sometimes just come in for work, a few minutes later, rage, get up, and storm out the door and not come back since. They just quit.

The community is so ready to attack/explode the developer the second they post on the forums, I don’t think any developer with a logical sense will bother posting at this point. This is especially with the whole Activision pushing more of their influence on Blizzard to make profit for their shareholder.

I think their mods look at them as a filter and relay any useful information back at them. Otherwise constantly looking at the forums as a Dev would be a bit depressing and make feel insecure about their game. Just my opinion though, I really have no idea.

You’re not far off.

WoW forums way back when (say 2007 or so) was a perfect example of this… Shaman Forum managed to make the moderator for it quit.


They have some volunteer from the fanbase to read them. They have a specific rule they must follow.

Before a single piece of feedback that is negative or to do with balance, requests, etc, they must provide at least 10 pieces of praise and blind acceptance feedback.

The feedback is also sent right to a spam folder, and is always sent a month or two late. So when it gets to them, they have usually made an already bad balance idea, or they miss it due to it being in a spam folder; or they do it on purpose and by the time they consider taking feedback and doing something based on it they’ve already got multiple other things being presented on the forums in need of change.

If they don’t look at feedback, what’s the point in posting it?

why would they? they have all game stat and the forum is a horrible place :stuck_out_tongue:

They do, but we are not entitled to a response. Ever.

And apparently some people dont know it and … honestly seeing the “latest” daily, i can see why they are not more active in the forums.
Half of the posters dont have any clue of anything, and from the other half, 10% are just ragers, 20% are biased or dont have any logical thing to add so yeah … not worth it.

jeff said it
the game is more balanced then these forums will let you think
our feedback is useless to him

I don’t think they well look at the forums. Plus when they said something in the past, it was like they referred to the forums at least 5-6 months before.

Or they look with an enormous delay, or they don’t look well.

Maybe they should hire a Community Manager, that connect Devs with the Community.

There is a community manager: Tom Powers

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Blizzard has dedicated team members including the Community Mangers which collect and compile data and feedback which is then presented to the Overwatch team for consideration and review. The new forum platform itself is also designed to expedite this process too.

What is frustrating is that we don’t get a lot of feedback directly from Blizzard. That being said, don’t stop posting, in fact keep posting constructively and reply to other constructive threads on ideas that you like or you don’t think won’t work. Furthermore, a good portion of the questions often asked here have been answered in the past, that is why I created the Developer Post Directory: