Do Sombra mains even like the announced changes?

Ana not bad support she in much better position than lucio. And Moira. She still bad on con,sole.

That’s funny. Because that’s EXACTLY what Rogue’s Tracer and Genji did when they first run Dive against Triple Tank comps.

Farm Pulse bomb and blade.

Having options is not a bad character design. Also using buzzwords is not an argument.

Why would Blizzard care what Sombra mains think?

Do you think they cared what Symmetra mains thought? No. They cared about all the people who called her useless and didn’t like playing her. That’s who they are catering to. They want people to swamp to this characters so they are completely reworking them.

They don’t care what the mains want, because the mains are too small a number. In Blizzard’s mind at least. I have no problem with niche characters.

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The problem is that sombra doesn’t have those options and her ult is only as good as her team and team comp.

Why would Moira be bad on console? Her kit is great for a controller.

While everyone is debating on whether this is a nerf or buff, I am more interested in the translactor infinite lifespan idea. Does this mean that her translocator will not get destroy if she dies, allowing her to cut her travel time in half from her spawn point?

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i think the problem is really that a lot of Sombra players want to play her in a way the devs do not like. Apart from the bugs many talk of, this change sounds substantial. She can finally be more of the disruptor she should be and she got more damage, heck i might even give her a go.

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The only potential change this could ever boost would be sombra afking on a spot.
These changes are just meaningless, translocator was pretty much always up at all times due to it’s extremely low cooldown, stealth should be used as less as possible.
There’s just no rhyme or reason to these changes.

Translocator dies when you die, otherwise sombra could already do this while dying with a translocator up.

So, instead of waiting until you give her a go and after 100 hours realise what the rest of us are talking about, why not just listen to what we say now.

And if you don’t believe us at least believe the GM’s and top500 players when they say there’s no “infiltrator” gameplay to be had. You’re either useful or you’re useless. Being in stealth is just leaving your team 5 vs 6.


its only been months? man get out of your bubble, its been over a year, nearly half the life of the game. I know you have your own complaints but its no justification to disregard facts.

Ana on top is one of only 3 main healers aside from Sombra who is one of a crowd of dps’s so this then makes life difficult for support mains cause it makes Mercy a must pick.

And that’s why the buffs we asked for were targetted to make her more self reliant in mid fight. Not more useless in stealth.

Yes, I know that’s how it currently work, but since she is getting a rework, I am curious if they have changed it.

Blizzard decided the best way to buff a hero that the critics say is “unfun to play against” was to add infinite invisibility. On top of that, the changes don’t even help Sombra that much. She’s slower, can’t contest while invisible, and hack, her bread and butter, is still unreliable.

I’m already bracing for the future Bastioning

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The Devs seem to want her to run around like an assassin, but not assassinate anyone at the end of it, nor contribute to the ensuing team fight once she’s initiated a team fight with a Hack.

They want her to spend 90% of her time outside of combat, but struggle to reconcile this with giving her enough of an impact in the 10% she’s allowed to contribute to.

Hell, they’ll probably knee-jerk the permanent invis back to 10s once she’s live, and not give us the movement speed bonus back.

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what was the nerf they gave to sombra?

Believe me i have no doubt that there is plenty more that can be done to make her into what you want. But i really don’t see the devs ever making her into a stealth tracer, which brings me back to the issue of what the devs want for the hero and what the players want, there is already plenty of variety in the dps category so i donno. IMO she is supposed to be the stealth disruptor not the main damage dealer

GM’s are players just like you or any other person, they don’t work at Blizz contrary to popular beliefs on this forum.

It’d be like asking the devs to make Zen more survivable just by simply reducing just his hit box size. Surely this is a no brainer cause he does have a hit box that no self respecting flanker can miss. But i understood a long time ago that the devs don’t want Zen surviving more than he already does and no matter how much we all cry about it…,

I donno just my opinion.

Less movement speed in stealth which denies certain flankroutes she could take and complete removal of point contesting while using stealth.

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i think she is a very situational type of hero who has to have very good comms in order to shine. Shouldn’t some heroes be like that in a team game of this nature? Is it really that wrong as a vision?

I started to miss that point, since it doesn’t charge your EMP. It feels better to be close to your team instead, and in healing case you count on your team.