Do Players In Quick Play

Just want to shoot things, not really talk or say that this person is carrying? They want to start the match… Never use coms and just shoot what is in front of them.

Yes. Tbh, you could have posted literally anything and my answer would have been the same.

Anything and everything happens in qp.

For example, I had a match last week where a person sounded like they were talking to their psychic in VC. It was weird. Couldnt tell if they were just yanking our leg or really didnt give two f’s :rofl:

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Thats kinda the point of it
You can go from anywhere to a Sombra hello around in backline just to scare people
To a Widow76 using SMG only to a Torb with hammer only kills


If you want coordination, you have to stack… :weary:

Yup. Imagine that.

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Why use comms? People there are just annoying. It just distract me.