Do people not understand why dps queues are long?

This idea is neat! Is there a way to test that in the workshop?

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Don’t confuse flex players with fill players.

Terminology as adopted years ago and ported into 2020:

  • Fill is ‘load-balancing’ as it were.
  • Flex is cross-role real-time adapt to solve win conditions.

Flex doesn’t exist in current 222.

I think Flex does, it’s just more subtle than the healer going Mei to stall.

People hate subtle flex, because sometimes soldier helping heal or zen helping kill, or the off tank going double shield against double hitscan, or rein going Orissa to help long range DPS shield break, and so on feels unappreciated.

Many players believe in black and white game play. Only DPS does damage. Only DPS shield breaks. Only healers heal. Only tanks press w. Whatever. And players think these things even though the game provides many subtle options.

But if you’re in a game as Moira, and your orbs aren’t killing anyone, and the enemy shield is nearly breaking but not, and your DPS isn’t getting kills—it feels wrong and unfair to switch to a healer that can help more with shield break. You know they will scream slurs at you for switching healers. You know the low IQ slobs will still believe that more sustain is what they need to break the shield. You know if you break the shield and then the widow kills everyone, you’ll get reported for throwing—but it’s still a good flex move.

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I think someone has to be flex in order to fill :slight_smile:

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Such different things.

Filling what is missing in a comp (or queue) to round it out vs. flexing possibly midmatch to overcome matchmaking discrepancies, or leveraging a broader hero pool to counter meta and what not. Flexing is arguably harder and higher skill.


Clicking all 3 roles is nothing like classic flex.

Logistically they hard-blocked dps customers from accessing gameplay. What kind of company could be so out of touch?

To summarize their ‘logistics’ on the supply side:

  • Reduced number of potential dps slots by 2/3.
  • Reduced number of multi-dps standard 6v6 game modes by 2/3.
  • Maintained the hero roster ratio at roughly 1/2 dps.

And on the demand side:

  • Ignored the plees against locked 222 by 2/5 of the ‘vocal’ community.
  • Failed to address queue times in 6 months, which still show 3-4 times the demand for dps compared to other roles.

These figures are correct btw. Feel free to check.
Logistically terrible. Morally tragic.

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i was a flex player and im fine with the 2-2-2 put in and the que time cz i can warm up in death match and be in que .the one thing i miss is the maps i loved being dps or tanks or heals is gone you just load to the map with what you picked and cant switch for the map.

SAY IT LOUDER. I’ve been saying this for a while now, flex players are punished the most in RQ! Stubborn DPS mains will queue DPS nonetheless or throw in other roles, flex players are forced to become either tank or support main.