Do people actually want Torb, Bastion, and Mei buffed?

I have a Simple Question for you.

Have you played Bastion?

I mean no harm in this, but… Unless you put yourself in the shoes of someone who genuinely enjoys the hero, and wishes to have a balanced Fun Time playing said hero they enjoy, you probably cannot understand both points of view.

Everything is “Unfun” When you are only fighting Against It. -.-
If i had Never Played as Mei before, i would probably think that she’s a Stupidly easy Hero, who takes very little actual skill…

But i have played her, and she does take quite a bit of it.
She’s extremely punishable if you don’t manage her cooldowns correctly, and god forbid you place an icewall wrong… Even your own team could report you for a literal missclick.

My point is, Yes. Yes we do.

I now refer to the Bastion Mega thread, for those of you who are interested:
[💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored]