Do people actually want Bastion viable?

no. pharah is balanced.
with the kit bastion has, he will either be OP or under powered. that is why he shouldn’t have made it out of alpha.

1, That’s not true
2, So change his kit… Put Tank on E, and give him a different ult.

They just think they want torb and bastion viable but they aren’t factoring in blizzards ability to overtune. Its a risky endeavor.

Bastion is only good bronze. Even in silver and gold he is not worth running.

i would 100% support changing how his kit works.

I wouldn’t mind keeping him in PTR for 3-4 weeks if they would listen to feedback kinda like they have with Sombra. They didn’t do everything that player’s have said, but they’ve definitely listened more than they have in the past.

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They might be learning but bastion and torb have the ability to crash this game is they are reworked wrong imho.

I would definitely like to see some independence as well - and not just making him better on his own, but finding a way to encourage that. Someone who picks bastion not only shouldn’t have to rely on their team picking around him, but they should find a way where doing so isn’t really beneficial.

I personally love picking bastion - especially when I play attack on total mayhem. It’s so much fun to mow everyone down. If I have those things we wreck - Mayhem on attack is often pretty much considered unwinnable (Typical winrate on attack is probably like 20%), but my winrate with bastion is probably like 60%. But doing so also requires having like 2 dedicated healers and a barrier/zarya on full time duty. If I ever die in the middle of a run, getting back in position and accomplishing anything is insanely difficult and you can see how unviable he is on his own.

You’re seeing this wrong, ironclad was a mistake due to how well it works with pocketing. If they gave him 100 armor instead of ironclad he’d be easier to kill and pocketing would be worse. Since ironclad effectively increases his health without actually changing the number this means healing becomes more efficient because they have to heal less health to heal more effective health. Ironclad is a mistake, if it’s bad, well it’s bad, if it’s good, it makes healing more efficient. We need old Bastion.

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How are people even able to say this? If your profile picture has anything to do with your main imagine if they never buffed Hanzo? He’d still be an F tier pick like Bastion.


Just because you’ve given up doesn’t make your words absolute. There are a thousand and one different ways they could take him, one is bound to work.


Regardless of whether or not he should have even been made(the devs decided he should have) he needs to be made balanced. Because of his playstyle, he is difficult to balance, but that doesn’t mean they should give up on him.

That’s not Bastion being good that’s Rein/Orisa and Torbjorn forcing Bastion to be “good”.

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IDK who that is but Bastion’s winrate keeps going from 36-50% and back in GM. Just yesterday using Overbuff it was 36.36% and now it’s 41.67%. He’s picked so little it appears as if even 10 games massively effects his winrate.

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Smaller buffs like giving back some of his armor when he ults, giving self-repair a lingering effect for an extra second, and giving him 1.5x headshot damage in Sentry should make him stronger without being too overbearing.

He’s not terrible, but he’s not viable outside of his niche uses. These changes would help him be more flexible without affecting him too much in pirate ship strats.


And Roadhog hook taking him out of it and Tracer being a hero he basically can’t kill who constantly shoots him and almost the same for Genji as well as Reaper can just jump on your head like the other two and if you’re ever in recon you can’t even do anything against a Doomfist and Widow only needs to show like one pixel of herself to peak you and Hanzo peaks you without storm arrows anyways etc…


Only if they’re point blank not dodging or protecting themselves. You guys only look at the paper and not it in practice.

Back in Beta 1 Bastion had a front-facing mini shield (like Rein’s) that made him a pariah for all but the top tiers of play, especially on 2CP maps where flanking him is tough.

I do think Bastion is actually in a pretty good spot. He needs faster ult transformation time.

What about the area between now and “too easy for him to become OP”? Then he’s viable.

One change is to let him use a smaller version of tankmode either for burst damage (lowest damage potential of all modes if it does 120 per shot) but it allows 24/7 rocket jumps so it’s a bit of both.