Do people actually want Bastion viable?

GrantMan replying intensifies

I think the immobility is fine, but he needs better mobility options outside of Sentry. If you’re just sitting there for 20 minutes in Sentry mode, yeah, the enemy is going to kill you. But if you can reposition more easily, and have better escape options <cough> Tank on E </cough>, then he would become much better despite his immobility in Sentry. You would only use Sentry for a couple seconds, then move to a new spot and do it again.

Good? Yes.
Meta/Viable? Not so much…

Keep the self heal changes of course. Ironclad does nothing for Bastion. Period. Sentry does not need headshots if the spread is reduced.

If the spread is only reduced by 25%, that puts him at a constant 2.25 degrees. He’s still going to be missing a ton of his shots through no fault of his own. His old spread was 1 degree to start, and then a maximum of 2 degrees, and he had headshots. With this, he was still considered underpowered, and he was very rarely used. By taking away Ironclad completely, and gutting his Sentry mode damage (compared to what it was before his rework), he’ll just end up in an even worse spot than he is now.

I dont mind a sentry revert, but im against any further buffs to this mode.

Maybe on defense. But I occasionally play bastion on attack. And even on payload maps I tend to avoid pirate ships, most of the time its better to setup slightly behind the payload or even go on a flank.

Not if you can find enough opportunities to use sentry w/o being killed immediatelly. But you wont find them if you just sit and wait in sentry most of the time.

DR on self heal like Roadhog might help him disengage from fights better if he’s under fire.