Do people actually want Bastion viable?

It’s a feelsbadman for me, cause i’m a Sombra Bastion main lol

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Add me to the people who don’t want to see him viable with current kit. He’s too cheesy, esp when you have double/triple shields and a mercy pocket.

A super consistent counter to pharmercy? A barrier buster? A character that has a form that makes him immovable?

A character that I have almost 300 hours of experience on and yet am stuck in high Plat while other characters can get to that level with 100 hours?

Make Bastion more mechanically demanding and mobile and he’d be perfect. Rework with a damage-reduced Tank on E and make Sentry spread tighter with able to crit, and we finally have a character that doesn’t require an entire team comp to function on a single point of a single map.


You may as well delete bastion entirely with ideas like that.

He is not designed, as a character, around recon mode. In fact Recon Mode is basically a fatter Soldier 76 with less mobility and no actual abilities besides repair. He is designed around going into sentry mode and bringing its firepower to bear.

And your idea does not make him 95% aim centric… because Sentry mode used to actually require aim before the failure of a rework took his sentry aiming skill away as payment for Ironclad.

With your short duration sentry he would still basically cease to take aiming skill every time he pops into sentry. He would still be a fat Soldier 76 where you are better off actually running Soldier 76.


I use to main symm…i use to main mercy…i use to main zen and then sombra.

At this point…i just want “reworks” to stop…just buff a bit…or nerf a bit and move on to the next damn hero

EDIT: also…symms new ult is absolute trash

I agree it was his entire point, but that has been, as we have seen, an abject failure, and impossible to tune correctly. The tradeoff of mobility for firepower is too skewed.

The problem was they took away one of the tools he needed to fill his area control and tank busting niche back in beta: the forward shield.

That forward shield allowed him to be defensive and control area, or be aggressive and take area in support of the tanks.

Ever since then? He basically fell into obscurity as people figured out how to beat him. He lost his niche and became completely dependent on being babysit by a shield tank.

All he needs right now is to get his sentry and tank back to pre-rework levels as a start. That will give his aim skill back, restore his counter balance, and make him scary again.

After that you test giving him back his forward shield even with a nerfed amount of health. The goal being to give him back his niche. As long as he has a niche he is viable in, and a great choice for that role, then he will be in a good spot.

And his job should be controlling space to restrict the tanks, leading to flankers or AoE splash damage characters being used to uproot him.

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currently when they were doing his rework he was supposed to be a “tank buster” was the way blizzard said they wanted him to go, WELL come triple-quad tank meta and junkrat was picked over him due to his splash damage and how quickly he could get tire and then there was all the reaper buffs, so there was better tank busters in the game then bastion so the niche they wanted him to fill he does not even fill very well, I do believe either some buffs or a rework is necessary, maybe do a in between mode of current version of him and his old version but idk I love bastion and used to play a lot of him but ever since the ironclad nerf to 20% I have dropped him

They haven’t tried to tune it… They gave him one rework, then nerfed it. If they had tried a few different things, then you might could say that it’s impossible to tune. But they haven’t tried.

I’ll throw this in there, I don’t remember if I’ve said it before…

With Hammond coming out, it’s almost guaranteed that we’ll see triple tank dive. Each of these tanks have abilities to boop people around. Bastion is immune to boops. Bastion has enough damage to take out a Winston/ comp. Just buff Bastion a bit, and he becomes a really nice counter to triple tank dive.

Also, he counters Brigitte pretty well…

A solid place to start would be to revert his spread nerf. I know Blizzard is allergic to reverting any changes, because it’s almost like admitting they were wrong, but it’s the best change to make. Bastion wasn’t an overpowering meta presence with that spread in place, and most of the buffs he’s received since it was taken were applied to his “walking from spawn” form.


Honestly, it’s the same thing with old Mercy, and it will happen to Bastion, Mei, and Torb if they were to become viable and or even slightly picked in the higher ups.

People whine, and they are changed drastically. People will go on for days about how they want a viable Bastion, but you know the second he gets moderate use everyone will bash him for being unfun to play against.

Same thing goes for things like Doomfist and Brigitte, you can see people stop playing because playing against them is genuinely unfun because a lot of the time once they have you you’re just done.

Bastion is always viable, but it depends on the person playing him, and the people on the team that play around him. He does a lot of damage, and with the right protection, he can carry and decide a game. He shouldn’t be reworked. He is fine the way he is as long as he’s in the right hands and treated the right way.

Well the same can be said for Torbjorn, Sombra, Symmetra, Doomfist, and a few other heroes. They are not fun to play against. Sure every once in a while, but not constantly.

They are by design, frustrating. Which becomes an issue when you want to make them a good hero pick. Players claimed Brigitte would kill the game, but imagine the chaos if Sym, Torb, Bastion, Sombra, and doomfist were great picks. Let’s just say, we’d be having even less fun.

If I had to choose as to who should be viable out of the heroes I named, it’d be Bastion. Bastion is simply the least frustrating of the list. You have many options when it comes to fighting a Bastion.
As long as he wasn’t borderline invincible, I’d be fine with a buff or rework. Though… I do think it’s as simple as reverting the spread and headshot changes to make him viable again.


The problem was they said that Bastion’s role was to tank and shield bust.

Except nerfing his sentry the way they did directly nerfed his ability to tank bust. As his good accuracy and crits are what allowed him to rapidly pop tanks the moment the shield went down. It was why tanks were afraid of him.

A Roadhog was scared of popping around a corner to attempt to hook a Bastion because it only took Bastion 1 second to melt roadhog with proper aim. Reinhardt could not charge Bastion because he would be mulched dead in a near instant. Zarya may get charge off of him, but it would be short lived as her bubble would pop instantly with her dying in the next moment. Winston could be mulched alive by him and D.Va was laughable to use against him the moment DM ran out. Orisa as well had trouble with him, as he could bust her shield faster then she could replace it and his accuracy meant that even with fortify she would get popped in short order as well.

The key thing was his accuracy and his ability to crit. Both of those forced tanks to respect him. Its why Ironclad had to be so strong to make up for how much they effectively gutted his sentry output.


I feel if they gave back either Headshots, or his accuracy then he would be in a much better place especially with tank busting

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Reading a lot of these comments makes me want to stop playing all together. :confused:

At least @Tankhunter And a few others are talking about what it feels like to play AS Bastion, not just saying; “But i might die to that, so i want it to never be able to kill me”

Let’s try to balance Bastion, Not keep him being the metal piñata he currently is.

If you think having a high damage Area denial hero is bad, Don’t talk about balancing bastion then.
Because that’s his only “Intended” Role… Just, it DOES Work better on Tanks, because large hitboxes.

Bastion is meant to be feared, and respected, once it sets up in sentry mode.
(Henceforth the longer setup time he originally had)

Not just blindly ran towards, Spamming whatever M1 you have. -.-
(I’m looking at you, Corner peeking Spamzo…)

I Hate that this community has lost it’s strategy, and alternative thinking…
If there’s a Bastion around the corner, Don’t run around the corner without support, or some of your team aiding you in killing the high damage threat…

Instead, people try to take that threat out of the game…
And i guess with the “Rework” they succeeded. :sleepy:

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And people whine when they need teamwork to kill it. BTW Hanzo can single handedly kill the entire comp with dragon.

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Impossible is not in my vocabulary.

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The game was wholly different then. Hanzo didn’t exist in his current iteration, nor did Mercy. Other heroes have been buffed since then.

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