Do people actually want Bastion viable?

You mean… You need TEAMWORK ?
Dude, going by that logic, pretty much every DPS would be to be subpar.

Too bad OW is completly headed in that direction.
The game is more and more speed based.
At that point, it’s adept or die.

Don’t need him to be meta.
Just … playable.

Tank on E rework.

You could just lower ult cost.

Look up the related thread about Tank on E.
The core idea is to be able to get in and out of tank when you need it. This gives bastion some needed mobility (especially vertical mobility) while also adding depth and unpredictability to his kit.
There are other changes proposed in the very same thread, all of them are dependent on one another to be balanced.
This would make Recon his long range hitscan form, sentry his medium range DPS form and tank his mobility/burst damage form.

Not a big rework fan. If the ult was cheaper, you’d have it up when you needed it. It’s not that strong an ult anyway.

You say that like cheese comp is especially awful compared to say dive, deathball, triple tank or the ancient beyblade metas. It’s a meta with it’s strength and weaknesses. Why the hate?


Because it is a meta that requires teamplay and most OW players hate teamplay.
When you can’t kill all the enemy team by yourself, it’s “OP please remove from the game”

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Yes, but it’s still much more effective to burst fire, which Soldier is better at…

It wasn’t broken and OP before his rework

That’s not true at all… I mean, yeah, repositioning is important, but if you’re using Recon as his main mode, you may as well just play Soldier. Most good Bastion players sit in Sentry until the enemy team comes, shoots at them, and then moves to a different spot after the team fight.

I’m sure other players would love getting a high speed 205 damage projectile in their face every several minutes.

Not to mention how much it would be wasted trying to get to the high ground and how you’re constantly giving away your position by just moving around.


Bastion doesn’t prevent you from playing the game, is super load, you can clearly tell when he’s shooting someone from the hail of bullets, he can’t sneak up on you, he can’t teleport/mobility away when done. Literally the only thing that could be annoying about Bastion is his damage. He is the hardest dps to try advancing with, waiting for them to come to him is how he works, which is why I like him. He’s a challenge, but not one that forces themselves on you.

Unlike Sombra, who forces themselves on you, prevents you from resisting, comes out of literally no where, and teleports away if it doesn’t look good.


You seem to be saying it’d be OP, then you’re saying it would be undesirable because it could be misused, despite it being a strict buff. Which is it? I’m talking a slight straight buff to ult charge. You’d still have to be economical with it but you’d overall be able to deal with some heroes better.

Getting tank mode isn’t his problem, he can already do that pretty well. His problem is his rather weak damage output at anything beyond 20 meters…

–> tank mode.


I feel like his DPS is a very minor part of the issue, though. Don’t get me wrong, it could use some tweaks, and the fact that Bastion can’t get headshots makes zero sense. With that being said, I think his sentry mode’s biggest weakness is what will always keep him either seriously underpowered or really OP if they buff it.

The fact is that Bastion is completely immobile while dealing his main source of damage is what makes him unplayable in a lot of comps. That immobility means he’s not even the best at his niche most of the time because it means that everyone has close to 100% accuracy and damage output against a bastion. Unlikely damage combos that wouldn’t be a problem for any other hero get him down to zero in 1/2 a second because accuracy is not a factor.

I mean, Mercy got a serious movement reduction to rez for 1.5 seconds or whatever it is now, as a serious nerf. Yet Bastion deals with complete immobility in sentry mode all the time, and is somehow expected to be viable despite that fact. It’s never going to happen. Even non-flankers can flank Bastion and win, every ultimate can find bastion easily, and normally hard to land skill shots on some heroes become a piece of cake vs a Bastion. The immobility has to go, or else we’re just going to have this problem again when new heroes are introduced no matter what buffs they give Bastion.

Real talk: has bastion EVER been good outside of the ironclad fiasco?

There’s a significant difference between ‘viable’ and ‘op as s**t!’ which is what Bastion tends to get with even minor buffs just because of his core design.

Bastion being viable would be great.

GrantMan replying intensifies

I think the immobility is fine, but he needs better mobility options outside of Sentry. If you’re just sitting there for 20 minutes in Sentry mode, yeah, the enemy is going to kill you. But if you can reposition more easily, and have better escape options <cough> Tank on E </cough>, then he would become much better despite his immobility in Sentry. You would only use Sentry for a couple seconds, then move to a new spot and do it again.

Good? Yes.
Meta/Viable? Not so much…

Keep the self heal changes of course. Ironclad does nothing for Bastion. Period. Sentry does not need headshots if the spread is reduced.