Do people actually want Bastion viable?

After reflection, that’s true. But yeah, just the spread change and the crits will be good enough additions to make him somewhat viable when he’s not pocketed.

You like this clip, heh ?
Bet you have the link in a notepad somewhere.

They could maybe increase his transformation time back to 1.5 to make it harder to swap in your face but with the spread buffs and stuff it won’t suck once you do.

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It’s actually a chrome bookmark.

Oh my, I just showed up and already have 35 posts XD

Is gud. Tell me your thoughts.

Actually…yeah. I totally want Bastion to be viable :sweat_smile: The poor guy is relegated to being a skill-gate character that teaches teams the importance of grouping up. Once you reach an ELO where people know how to do that, he’s pretty useless haha.

It’s most definitely not a bad thing, that’s his job. I was trying to prove that spread and headshots have a large affect on your damage output.

As a console player who suffered an entire MONTH of ironclad, I know having bastion being “viable” is a terrifying prospect…

Having Bastion being broken is bad.


Its cause you reply to every thing individally(not a bad thing, makes it easier to have conversations). I swear if it wasn’t for you the Bastion megathread would be have the size.

It sounds good. I still want 2x headshots and considering ironclad being removed as a passive it sounds like he should just have the full 2x like old sentry otherwise it’s objectively worse while shooting considering its reload was also increased.

I like the DF style reload on tank because it does allow a round of 5 shots but not a ton of sniping spam.

You mean if Bastion have LOS of the enemy? Yeah i didnt mention that cause i thought people would know that already…
And Bastion can melt Rein shield on what, 3 seconds?

Of course, you only see Bastion melting everyone if he has a shield in front of him, and that’s where he is too strong, as i said, on pirate ship comps.
But bastion without a shield to protect him is easy counterable, not saying he isnt, just saying that just one shield on front of him is enough to make him very very strong and that’s why he’s hard to balance.

There is a large difference between “viable” and “broken”.

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use grav+dragon, it’ll wipe his entire team if they’re protecting him.

Yeah I have 820 posts there XD

Sadly the next 149 posts means it hits its cap.

you actually don’t need a bastion for that to happen i guess

Well, he does have a new ability…

I do know how he was.
But having a better sentry gun than before, but with ironclad and self heal?

It’s more likely to happen with him because people are always grouped up.