Do DPS feel pressured to do good

Only hurting yourself in the long run.

How so? I am not following your logic. I actually observed a huge benefit compared to when I put the try hard panties on. What am I missing?

If I can’t kill pharah but can deny her the skies as mcree because she will just fly into cover after few shots. It already gives my team huge help to win the team fight. But I make sure to keep track of where pharah is or listen to team calls if she tries to kill anyone sneaky so you can kill her before she hides.

Before role queue, I felt a lot more pressure because playing badly likely meant I wouldn’t be able to play DPS anymore.

It didn’t help that my DPS skills were worse than the roles I primarily played.

So, so far I asked if people feel pressured to play DPS and I’m seeing a good chunk of people just blaming the tanks and supports for playing bad.

So not many people are saying if they personally feel pressured to perform well.

I mean I understand in why DPS feel pressure. I main Support, but I dedicate 1/8 of my OW career in DPS maining Symmetra (shes my second most played overall), with Ashe, Sombra as my “backup” as I practice them on my alt. I always when playing Sym or Ashe feel pressure because my mentality is “If I dont have Gold Medals my team will throw and false report me” because its Sym, theyll report sym mains for anything. So I can say YES, they do feel pressue

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Thats how I felt about Role lock, but in the end Im happy it exists.

Every role has a Pharah counter now. Sigma’ balls can reach Pharah. Bapt is also a hitscan that does a lot of damage. Moira just has to look at her. Mcree has horrible mobility so it is easy for Phara to run from him to outfight him. Soldier does little damage. Mei can also snipe her. Don’t rely on one people to do one job. Especially at low elos. The whole team have to get on her. You also going to have the stubborn teammate unfortunately to.

for me, killing things is the easiest thing in this game, therefore dps is the easiest role imo, however that also depends on your ability to admit you’re doing bad on one hero and be willing to switch

as an example, the other day i wanted to practice hanzo but I couldn’t hit anything and my team started saying “come on hanzo snipe! snipe!” i just laughed bc I knew I couldn’t…so I switched to Mei and was able to do a really cool play imo and hold the enemy team off even when my team died

in other words, dps have SO MANY more tools available to them…and yet they choose to put pressure on themselves by sitting on their bad pick…just bc that’s you’re main or you do good on them other times…doesn’t mean there aren’t times you’re doing bad and should switch

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You can also spam “Have a nice day!” To keep your team morale up.

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Its rarely any one roles fault, if people arent dying its usually a combination of everyone making mistakes, its the tanks job to make sure the dps are in a position to get those kills and its the supports job to keep everyone alive.

Yeah everybody can take a part in killing things but somethings should be the priority for a certain role.

The tanks are making space and putting up a shield to protect.
The supports are healing and fixing mistakes.
What’s the special thing that only the DPS can do? Not really much, they can be pretty replaceable but they do have a good spike in damage

Yes. Playing DPS is more stressful than playing others as anything goes south, DPS takes the blame most.

DPS mistakes are more noticeable than others. Supports play like Heal bots, Tanks play like Shield bots… they still benefit the team, although they aren’t doing enough. But DPS being Damage bots don’t benefit the team compared to being Heal bots or Shield bots.

Tanks and Supports sometimes throw DPS under the bus.
I switch to Mei to counter Doomfist, but a Support teammate continues playing Ana and two Tanks continue playing Sigma + Reinhardt. They blame me failing to counter Doomfist, while his teammates constantly enable him with heals and Zarya’s bubble and those 3 teammates refuse to switch to better self-sustain heroes to make their lives easier against Doomfist. I stayed next to Supports, Doomfist went to punch the Tanks; I stayed next to Tanks, he went after my Supports.
It’s like I switch to Hitscan to counter Pharah, but Tanks + Support never enable me to help killing her.

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I would argue tank and support are probably the most stressful because there’s probably more multitasking that needs to be done.
DPS get pressure from their teammates to do good but gameplay wise they’re still only expected to do one thing.

Take support for an example like Anna she’s expected to heal and time her utilities perfect to set up for you and the rest of your team to do your job. A support needs to be aware of where all of their teammates are at at the same time because their job is to make sure that they are still alive.
She needs to land her sleep dart on the right target to set you up for an easy kill while positioning herself in an area where she can work without getting attacked.

I’m positive DPS aren’t considering where the rest of the teammates are standing 24/7. The DPS aren’t looking to enable somebody to do something, they are the ones waiting to get enabled.
Not to mention if the support dies the rest of the team crumbles because the support is the main target that everyone wants to kill first. you have a giant target on your back specifically

That’s the main part. I play DPS and it often affects my mentality that how
my teammates think about me. Unlike playing Tank & Supports and I rarely feel pressured from others.

I have bad plays as Tanks & Supports too, but teammates rarely point my mistakes out compared to having bad plays as DPS.
Like I failed to outplay enemy DPS, I get sh*t by teammates, but when I failed to outplay enemy Reinhardt as Reinhardt, failed to block Earthshatter… teammates won’t say negative things to me.

Play DPS like mediocre, teammates complain.
Play low energy Zarya for 90% part of the game, no one complains.
Play Baptiste and not able to save a teammate due to poor Immortality field timing, no one complains.
Play Ana/Zen like a Heal bot. Decent aim on teammates, but potato aim on enemies… no one complains. (Even when I play Zen against Doomfist/Sombra, no one will bother about it. Unlike playing Genji against beam heroes or playing Pharah against Hitscans…)

I often play Overwatch after work and I want to relax and chill, thus not likely to push myself to limit when playing whatever roles. Playing Tank/Support, no one complains that I’m being too eased, but DPS… everyone complains that I wasn’t trying hard enough.

Usually when people start blaming each other outwardly, it’s a loss. Occasionally it’s not, but that’s an exception.

I hear that but a DPS versus DPS thing is more of an aiming contest. When it comes to blocking the enemy Reinharts shatter, that’s more of a mind game, it’s a prediction. Sometimes you need to bait it out by putting your shield down and putting it back up really quick.

But like I said it’s easier to get angry at DPS because they’re only really expected to do one thing and it’s easy to tell if that one thing is being accomplished.
With tank and support it’s a mixture of multiple things if they are healing you decently then that’s great, but there’s more going on so it’s a little bit harder to tell if your support is doing a decent job or a great job

Not entirely true. Like playing Genji/Tracer against Mccree also needs a bit of mind game because they need to outplay him by baiting his flashbang.
Playing against Genji, you always need to keep in mind about his deflect unless you’re a beam hero.

Well, Supports stay in the backline, thus players in the front won’t likely to notice.

Anyway, DPS mistakes are more obvious than Supports. Like you can see them failing their ults, but you can’t tell Ana actually or accidentally boosts the wrong player or pressed the Q button too late. Until Ana player confesses her misplay.

Zen can still get a bit value as long he places heal & discord orbs on players, but no one bothers if he has a potato aim.

Reinhardt looks like he’s doing his job by holding right click, but in fact he still takes damage from Winston’s left click, Rolling Ball, Doomfist’s punches. And again, no one complains Reinhardt constantly feeds on those heroes but put every blame on DPS not able to counter these heroes. Reinhardt could have switched Roadhog to counter Dives or Orisa to self-sustain.
I play Sombra, I can either hack Doom or Ball and I can’t hack through Winston’s bubble.
I play Mccree and I can’t counter Doomfist while the Ball constantly knock me around and PharMercy bombards me.
I play Mei and again I can’t freeze Ball and Doomfist at the same time unless they bunched up together. Freezing Ball means I’m very occupied.

Some teammates always expect DPS teammates as their god-tier hard carries. This is like DPS players expect every Ana/Zen teammate are god-tier players like Ryujehong / Jjonak.

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They’re greatly exagerating.

Stuns counter Doomfist, Freeze Ray ignores deflect and Mei’s m2 is at lesst as good as Genji’s, and that m2 also one-shots tracer.

Hammond and kinda just get cc chained.

Winston too but his bubble serves as some feeble resistance.

Dps players can always switch to mei if they want to win. Keep in mind the more popular mei is, the less popular tanks are and the longer dps queue times will be.