Do DPS feel pressured to do good

Do you DPS mains ever feel Too pressured to do your job?

Do your other teammates expect you to kill too much?

As a support and tank main I tell the DPS that they can play whatever they want but if Pharah is in the sky, I want them to kill it.
Even if they play Sym or junkrat, I put that burden on them since they have the biggest roster and equipment to directly deal with it.

Obviously it’s everyone’s job to shoot at everything but there are certain targets that are best suited for the DPS to handle.

Do you feel overly pressured or do you just not really care too much?

Tanks are tanks are expected to make space, supports are expected to heal etc

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If I do bad, it’s because of the tanks in the team not knowing how to play. I know this, because I play tank myself and so many tanks have no clue how to play, then they blame everyone else on the team rather than realizing they’re too passive, placing their shields wrong, hooking wrong targets, shielding wrong targets etc.


So it’s never your fault.


I only feel pressured in this way with two situations: passive Tanks that expect me to work without space, and bad Supports that expect me to work without any resources to help me. I can get pressured into playing even worse when this happens because I try to make things happen without help. I’ll usually do well enough with those things. If I’m not doing well with them, that’s on me and I don’t really feel “pressured,” just bad that I played suboptimally.


When your tanks pick hammond and winston vs reaper and mei there’s only so much you can do as dps.


Do you pick a dive hero and commit to a dive comp?

One of the nice things about Junkrat is that when in doubt, you can always shoot something big or not prone to sudden movements (any movement really) and you’re doing your job.

You always feel like you’re contributing.

Even if you did, you can’t play monkey/hamster into Reaper like that. No amount of commiting to dive will save bad Tank pairings refusing to swap.

I feel pressured when I’m having a bad aim day. I put a lot of pressure on myself as it is but if I can’t kill a Pharah and I’m playing hitscan I KNOW it’s my fault. Team starts going “gg dps bad” and I literally cannot do more. The other thing is when I’m playing tracer and trying really hard to kill something and I’m getting flamed for doing nothing. Dudes, I know. I’m working on it.

But yeah, I feel pressured if I know I’m playing badly. But it feels sh!tty when your teammates blame the dps regardless of our efforts. If I feel like I’m doing well, and the team is still sh!tting on us, it makes me play worse. So I encourage those who like to blame dps for everything-keep it to yourselves. I’ve never seen a dps play better because their team started ripping into them.



Pick one. Mei is anti-dive #1. Mei together with reaper, it’s impossible to play winston and hammond against that, if they have half a clue.

I think she is, but a lot of Mei mains say that she crumbles underneath dive.
So I don’t know who is right

When you are a great player and team wiping enemy team many times as dps you never get praised or endorsement. But when you are doing great as healer or tank you always get your endorsement and that compliment at the end. Only thing you get when playing well as dps is being called a try hard or a smurf from the enemy team but when it’s not going well while you have leroy rein? dps can you kill something or go reaper/mei?


I think that’s not true at all. the game is very geared towards praising getting kills etc. just look at play of the game it’s entirely focused on getting kills and showing it off. If it’s about people giving endorsements it’s mostly because tank and support are the jobs that people don’t normally want to do so people appreciate that more then picking what is widely considered the fun role


After killing 3 people on my own and pushing payload to round win.

Every role feels pressure. The less people there are, the more focus the pressure there is.

That’s why games with large battle are far less stressful. It’s more chaotic, and you can’t blame it on any individuals, and just place the blame on being unlucky.

The thing with Pharah you mentioned. If Pharah is decent and knows how to outplay hitscans by positioning and moving well sometimes it’s just better to stay on Junkrat and spam Rein or keep attacking backline as Tracer. It depends. I’m quite good at McCree but against good Pharah I better stay on my main. So it depends, keep that in mind

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Because she was soooooo good at stopping dive last time.


She was a throw pick in dive.

Well if it’s good at positioning and knows what it’s doing it’s safe to say it’s probably wrecking the team as well, so something has to be done about it or we may lose.

A weak response to it is better than no response At all


I can reasonably acknowledge when I’m at fault. However, I think my team sometimes sets unfair expectations. I am sometimes expected to flank, kill the tank, protect our healers, and take out the opposing DPS - all at the same time.

While I offer flexibility in my DPS pick (I can play any of them), I find that I get blamed for ridiculous things sometimes. I sometimes kill two or three of the enemies, and my team doesn’t push in. The enemy team comes back from spawn and reinforce their hold/push, so we end up losing. Somehow, that is still my fault.

Sometimes my team will utilize every ultimate they have even when I ask them to only combo a few and will specify, by name, which ones we should combo. Then the next fight, we get screwed. Somehow, me not killing them all is my fault for losing that fight.

Every role has their job. But I think it’s weird that DPS have one job, while tanks and supports can overlap that job quite easily. I find myself the scapegoat for a lot of losses that aren’t really my fault. I am getting the kills, I am doing what I can to coordinate with my team, I am doing my best to where I need to be, when I need to be there.

Of course, there are games where I wish I could swap to support and let someone else go DPS lol

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They try to put the pressure on, but I do not really care about them. If they annoy me too much, I decide to throw the match.

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