Dispelling a myth - Mercy 1.0

She’s alive? You can infact, play her in Overwatch as we speak.

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Oh Mercy 1.0 is alive? I didn’t know that. Thanks for the information dude!

Mercy, the hero, is still alive. Mercy 1.0, a old iteration of Mercy, no longer exists. That doesn’t mean that version of Mercy died lol. Pretty sure the devs still have the code for Mercy 1.0.

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I know that. Sarcasm guy. The op was talking about 1.0 Mercy. She is dead. That’s who I was saying is dead.

That still isn’t counterplay. That is just winning a teamfight and dealing with the aftermath.

Revert Mercy and give her a cast time then :slight_smile: or is that too hard to counter as well?

Perhaps they didn’t need an undo ult spam button after they reduced the Ult economy by 20% across the board.

You are pretty wrong honestly. When the game launched we had 3 healers. Mercy, Lucio, and Zen. At the start Zen was pretty garbage so if you played support you were either playing Lucio or Mercy. Once they made Zen better it became mainly Lucio and Zen and with Ana she became the undisputed best healer in high ranks. Mercy still saw play time in the lower levels but she was by far not meta where the meta was actually followed and even in pro games her only use was to babysit Pharah which is why they often had the same picks in pro games.

The issue with mass rez was the fact that Blizz had a SR system they could exploit with it but instead of fixing the exploit they just changed the hero (and later fixed the exploit by getting rid of performance based SR for higher ranks at least). It was after Mercy 2.0 that Mercy became and stayed in the meta for pretty much every rank in ladder and pro play.

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People still spammed ults, my dude. Why else would people whine about their precious ult kills being undone? They should have planned better, especially when knowing the enemy has a Mercy. Learn to adapt and strategize.


If there’s less Ult spam. Wouldn’t you expect less “Undo Ult Spam”?

then give her a new e ability that allowed her to move on her own so she didn’t have to hide.

mercy needed an e ability before the invuln overbuff to mass rez came along and then they butchered mercy and made her op with her current rework.


That doesn’t address my point though.

You cannot stop her WHILE she uses it because it was instant. The counter play that exists for every hero - even Sombra’s EMP - did not exist with mass resurrect. It was the exclusive ultimate that was instant and made her invulnerable upon activation.

Saving your ult economy is not exclusive counter play. And that’s not the same counter play as every other ultimate. That isn’t countering - that’s dealing with the aftermath.

The point I’m trying to make is that every ult in the game can be countered in those three ways. You can save your ult economy for every hero, not just Mercy. You can kill the enemy before they use their ultimate, not just Mercy.

But you can kill every hero during their ult - except Mercy. That was the outlier.

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Now i might be pro revert but i still hated mass rez if i had my way rez would be put to bed permanently but mass rez was hard to deal with for most including me but i’ll just pin that on autism
Whatever you could brign it back all you want but i have my own input

needed changes
Force los(duh)
Cast time
no invulnerability

optional changes (pick 1 or 2)
Rez doesn’t work after using Ga for 2 seconds
After using Rez Mercy gains several debuffs 20% lower speed,30hps,10% dmg boost,No GA for like 5-8 seconds
Takes 40% more damage after rezzing

I put this card face down and end my turn


would probably need to add a overtime heal to mercy during the cast time for mass rez.

that and a new e ability as that’s something mercy players were begging for before the invuln overbuff.

Lol I’m going to start ending my opinionated posts with this. That’s great lol.

Finally someone else who gets it! Ult economy has gone out the window after mass res was removed and ult economy is the very counterplay that people claim didn’t exist for mass res.


This is so wrong. If you go and look back, before the initial buff to her rez after the buffed zen to 200 HP you saw zen / lucio comps and Ana quad tank comp when she was buffed.

This also ignores the fact she was the only main healer until Ana was released, and she quickly dominated the meta after her buffs.

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I’m all for another e ability but I thinking giving her an independent move ability could prove to be too much. A Mercy with good positioning is incredibly difficult to kill arguably more than before since the inclusion of the bunny hop.

I don’t like mass resurrect either but getting a 5 man resurrect was rare…lol

I was thinking flutter jumps. (think kinda like Yoshi.)

it’d take advantage of her glide aswell as she could get extra height.

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