Also remember Ana was horribly underpowered when Mercy took over.
Lol, ”Mercy profiles”.
You mean they really let you all loose? Can’t be for long.
Has been too long… And to be frank, I enjoy the freedom.
It’s not nice to lie, Mercy mains. In my down-time from OW, I watch clips that go all the way back to the very beginning of OW. Mercy, without fail, is always the #1 pick for any competitive team, and remained that way through every change. Now, though, she’s not a required pick and suddenly you’re acting as if you’ve been cheated. You haven’t been cheated; you’ve been readjusted in the meta, and now the other supports can team up without necessarily being yelled at to switch to Mercy.
(NOTE: Mercy is still the best consistent healer/damage buffer, by far, with a great ultimate and an amazing E ability that regularly shifts the tide in games, as opposed to Nano or Sound Barrier which can flop easily.)
This isn’t asking for a character that’s been neglected like Bastion or Mei to receive some big QOL changes to fix their position, this is entitlement. You feel entitled to be a required pick, and now that Mercy requires a modicum of team-playing or skill, you throw a fit. Kindly, please, adjust your expectations of how the rest of us feel to your incessant whining.
How about a compromise? We delete rez but also delete valk and give her a burst ultimate again like Zen or Lucio have. Furthermore we look into potential e-abilitys like Brawl suggested in this thread.
I’ll give it a read! Thank you
??? Ok after all of those comments I think im done with the forums today. Jesus.
It’s been like this for a while. Even before they unpinned it. Pretty sure they gave up on trying to fix
I like rez, but I don’t like the current iteration (boring to use, absolutely annoying to face). I’d rather it be a part of her ult (but with far more counterplay than she used to have, both before and during the rez).
With Hammonds mine field and Sombra’s new changes (being able to stalk her and hack/EMP her when she least expects it) I think past Mercy would have struggled considerably more today.
You can’t really say the opposite either.
That’s not very nice. And also nobody wants her to be a must pick or op, like now. That’s why some want her reverted.
If you are unaware Mercy literally takes less skill than before her rework.
Not sure about her being number 1 but didn’t deny that she was picked a lot nonetheless.
She’s a must pick now for all the wrong reasons. Even the pros know this and took advantage of the situation. In the OWL the number of times Mercy was getting picked in team comps were insane. This, however, wasn’t the case when mass ress existed. Other than pocketting a Pharah, she would never be used.
Mercy has always required skill. Stop lying to yourself.
Nice post. I find it funny how people are still debating with you even after being given the facts.
That “Hide N Seek Mercy” propoganda is a tough thing to break it seems.
I’m just disproving the idea of her being overpowered because of her pickrate. Sure, there may be other things that hint at her old state being overpowered but pickrate is certainly not one of them.
Not really helpful imo…
First off most people know Mercy’s don’t hide EVERY time but she needs to play very passively because you needed to make sure you didn’t die with res which sometimes included hiding. In the video she showed some of the clips actually showed the Mercy hiding or ducking around cover to avoid damage and swooping in for the res. This is why they changed it, they didn’t like the playstyle coming from it.
The video to me basically said res could be countered if you killed the Mercy or just win the teamfight agian. And that’s not a direct counter to res because you didn’t stop her for using it. Killing Mercy before she uses res isn’t a counter because you didn’t stop the ult, just delay it. If you kill Genji before he uses blade did you counter the blade? No, just delayed it. And if Mercy uses res but the enemy team uses their ults after to kill the enemy team agian, that’s not a counter because all they did was win the teamfight again, not counter mass res.
I never understood the “just give LoS and a small cast time and she’ll be fine” arguement. To me all I see that going is Mercy telling her team to die somewhere specifically and hiding more just so she can use it without fear of dying while using it, which is what the devs wanted to get away from. Not every Mercy player would do it because a lot of us have different ways of playing her, but I do see this becoming a somewhat common thing for Mercy players.
I don’t see how they could rework her mass res to still me enjoyable for the player but also let it have some counter play to it. Whether you like the new res or not it does do just this, if you use it their is a window of opportunity to cancel it. I think a better idea is to have her current res ability be a Torbjorn like scrap meter that she charges to use res. It fixes so many issues like res being earned and using tempo reses to keep the battle going in your favor.
Sorry for the lengthy replay, but I wanted to give more thought into what I wanted to say aside from the usually. ”Your wrong, I don’t agree”
All heroes have the ability to play passively. Mercy is not the only hero. Also, regarding “Hide n Res”, the only reason it was or seemed to be used on a large scale was because of a broken SR system that incentivized hiding over staying with your team and healing. Tempo rezzing and staying with your team is always going to better and most Mercy mains knew that.
You’re acting as if we want Mercy back with no changes at all. if people are so concerned over Resurrect’s inability to be countered why don’t you just give Resurrect a cast time.
If she has a cast time, she can be countered so no, Mercy’s would have a fear of dying after hiding and letting her team die.
Blizz, specifically, Geoff Goodman, said that the suggestion is too complicating to implement into the game. Don’t ask me about it. I didn’t say it. Also, Mercy’s mass ress was earned by healing. If people don’t like mass ress, I don’t really see why they like ress as a resource bar based ability.
True, but you’re also removing the basis for saying Invuln Mercy wouldn’t be overpowered, as well.
I’m talking about Mercy’s kit in general. Sure, invulnerability may been OP but that’s not what we are here to talk about.
Mercy 1.0 was kind of broken.
In the sense that she offered nothing to her team besides healing, which Ana could do just as well. And she didn’t have the survivability she has these days (thanks to Valkyrie and self-regen kicking in faster) either. She was just bad outside of Pharmercy comps…