Disheartened Mercy Main

They actually didn’t touch on that many things about Valkyrie. They mostly changed its interaction with Rez and a nerf to duration and flight speed. All the things I mentioned didn’t get changed at all. Mercy’s general power level was too high and even though chain beams feel super boring… they are reasonably powerful.

So… how OP would Mercy have been if she still had 60 HPS and Valkyrie gave her…

  1. instant resurrects
  2. an extra resurrect
  3. 12-15 seconds of flight

and that’s it?

Now with the chain beams and other passives, absolutely she was still OP like that… but part of that was… unless you had ults to burn, cutting through a Mercy pocket for the ENTIRE enemy team isn’t the most easy thing in the world… then if you were successful, oh look Mercy swooped in and Rezzed.

I don’t think she’d be that OP like that, if at all. But you can bet I’d 100% rather have that Mercy than our current one.

S3/S4 Ana was meta as well as part of Season 5 then she got the sledge hammer nerf that made Mercy even more meta.

Well the instant Resurrects were the key problem. Of course it would weaken her a bit if she didn’t really have an ultimate outside supercharging Resurrect. Possibly that would even get to the point of being balanced, albeit still feeling horrendous to play against, as it’s basically just undoing the rework while adding flight and flexibility on Res (in trade for a limit on the number of targets at one time).

You want better counter play to Res?

How about this. When Mercy hits Q all players can see her souls, they can reuse the assets for Reaper’s old passive. That way… yeah resurrect is still instant but you have a decent idea of who might come back and where they’ll come back and you can act accordingly.


[20 chars]

1000% agree with this post.

ana was not meta in s4, s4 and s5 was lucio and zen.

Ana was meta. People thought the grenade nerfs were the end of her that’s why they stopped picking her. But that didn’t stop her until she had her nano and damage nerfed in Season 5

she got nano nerfed at the end of v3, hello?

Are we playing the same game, nano got nerfed at the end of v3 along with her damage and the grenade nerf.

s4 and s5 was lucio and zen with dive being created, s4 was dives creation and s5 was dives cementing.

Ana was not meta in s4 or s5.

Whoops got my dates messed up my mistake. No need to be rude.


im not being rude, i was genuinely asking were we playing different games.

and we were since you got the dates messed up lol, sorry if i came off as rude man. I dont try to be rude, especially to competent people like yourself.

We disagree on a lot of things but its not like youre someone that cant have a mature discussion, since you treat me competently i treat you the same, sorry if i came across as anything else

It sounds like karma for ever believing that Blizzard’s balance decisions were competent. Mercy was hardly their first mistake and I promise you it will not be there last.


After seeing the posts here I’ve got a clearer understanding of my own feelings on the matter. I had no problems with other healers being buffed nor did I really mind the first Mercy nerf to her ultimate. But after the devs stated she was balanced I figured Mercy was safe for a bit.

But this last nerf felt spiteful. There was no good reason for it, especially once they already said they were done, and to do it without any buff was poor judgement. It just felt like they were being hateful.


Logical post is logical. Nice post :+1:t2:

The latter one is an unbelievably stupid thing to do but they still done it and called it “successful”.

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While I acknowledge Mercy had a high pickrate it was not 100%, pre last 2 nerfs I had several matches in a day where she wasnt on both teams. This was playing at a diamond-master level on console. Maybe console is the exception with these pickrate numbers.

Oh boi you do not understand statistics and probabilities. 100% LITERAL pick rate (not your feeling, not current Rein’s non 100% PR) will ALWAYS result in exactly 50% WR. It’s not an opinion, it’s just how numbers works. Get out of the way to prove something you don’t understand about. Current Rein has high pick rate and WR, but nowhere near 100% because Winston and Orisa (which still sees high WR due to her niche nature) still sees play, unlike how Ana was a throw pick versus Mercy previously.

100% makes 50 and 50, it’s not subjective. It’s how numbers works.

But I do have reading comprehension.

Good thing I never said he has an actual 100% pickrate, hm?

It seems to me that if a character’s pick rate is high but their win rate is comparable to other character’s or even lower then just nerfing that character isn’t really solving the problem.