Discussion about homophobia

You haven’t met my dad.

This thing is still going?


Yeah, it’s slowly slithering back into its dark holes. Of course only until the next ‘controversy’ and then it’ll return

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Sistor, Have you been outside?? have you like read anything about gay ppl, guess not because you obviously don’t know what homophobia means hehe!!

People still doing this lmao? This was an outdated and garbage schtick back when I was in middle school.

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I got banned because I created a topic called “let’s talk about minorities!” and I was actually speaking about left handed people and not soldier…! (Guess which social group spam flagged me for trolling)

P.S The topic deleted while there were more than 20 replies and there was a normal discussion going on.

I’m assuming anyone who can read


I saw one of your replies pointing at the miserable nature of people in here instead of being nice… What about your whole reply history full of smartass single setence replies to get likes? Sad…

They’re more to mock people than to get likes but I always appreciate my work being noticed

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Does that matter ? Or is your only point to attack my grammar ? Try harder next time hun. =*

This post is still going? Really?

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Apparently it very much is

I would get offended to be called fire wood. Cause you know you burn it. That’s the insult.

I suppose several animal speices on multiple occasions are un-natural then ?

I guess I am gay now for defending basic human rights to love who they want. You’re like a knowledge bomb.


Dont defend the gays, thats clear you know. IF you defend them youre OBVIOUSLY gay, thats common knowledge cmon

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Damn I guess I am gay now. :frowning:

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