Discussion about homophobia

I know, the word “homophobia” is thrown around a lot on the forums. But honestly speaking, there are a ton of people on here who are HONESTLY in a way bigoted.

Im not talking about the honestly well make posts about how its controversial.
Or the posts talking why it could be a bad idea on the PR side of the game, not directly putting their own opinion in, or for the record, i dont mind posts that calmly and well explain why they wouldnt like soldier, without implying any sort of non acceptance towards the sexuality part, but just how they dont think it fits.

But some people on the forums are directly homophobic. Saying “i cant be homophobic because i have gay friends”
“it doesnt make me homophobic if i just dont believe in their lifestyle”
(yes, the gay lifestyle)
And just posts about "its bad soldier is gay because hes the most “Masculine stereotypical white male” Which just gives off the idea that white gay people cant be masculine, they have to be scrawny and puny.

The worst thing about these posts, are that theyre usually from people with 0-1 prior post, which often means its an alt account to try to redirect the hate from their main forum account, so it wouldnt get bad rep. Which is… quite ironic
Judging a group of people by who they are, and then being afraid to be judged by people… for who you are.


Well, of course there are. Bigots exist and being bigoted and enjoying Overwatch aren’t mutually exclusive so there’s bound to be some overlap.

Can’t blame them it. If you’d been raised believing something was wrong, you’re not going to suddenly think otherwise because a game character is gay. I don’t agree with their view, but it’s not their fault that their parents indoctrinated them with such a hostile mindset.


It’s the internet my friend, free speech is both a blessing and a determent.

There’s not much that can be done about such behaviour, you’re better off not feeding them, as I’m sure that’s what they want. Hopefully they get banned, if you see these kinds of posts, report the profile, that’s about as much as you can do.

They’re probably just trying to rustle some feathers, as they have nothing else to do.


every opinion matter.


i dont get how saying that it doesnt fit soldier being gay is being homophobic


I just wonder if this was done in part to get the game printed in some internet news as much as anything else. The game has pretty much left the mainstream since nothing really ever changes/happens that’s worth writing about. Was this done to be genuine lore or is there an ulterior motive?

My biggest question is why was Michael Chu so quick to jump to social media to pat himself on the back for what is effectively a creative writing class’s essay.


I see people acting that way in the media and I wonder if it really is people copying what they see, thinking its the right way to be…

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The first user who made a post made sure to say “trash” somewhere in it and used downing terms when replying to people, creating an outrage. Passed that…People were trolled and taken in by trolls on both sides. If they looked into the people, they’d realize they got duked… Whenever there’s a source for something to breed live emotion, that’s when people get interested.

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“Soldier cant be gay because hes masculine”
“Soldier cannot be gay because i do not like it”

are quite homophobic


i didnt say that
i said it doesnt fit him


and i said posts saying that are quite homophobic…

If you think someone saying homophobic sentences that have been said in the forums fits in with you, and take offense to it, maybe you have some personal issues


girl bye there are plenty of gay buff/army veterans. it’s almost like being gay is not a personality trait


What was done with 76 is a common hoodwink tactic. You get the audience to invest a great deal of time with a character to suddenly turn them upside-down. A lot of Hollywood movies and television shows do this.

One show that comes to mind that I recently watched was Black Sails. You invest all your time into the main character Captain J. Flint for at least 2 seasons, thinking that he is the badass masculine male pirate just to found out at the end of the season that he actually became I pirate and is running from persecution because he had a sexual relationship with another man.

It’s basically a way to hoodwink the audience into sympathizing with someone they might not actually agree with. This is exactly what was done with the 76 lore. People are deliberate led to believe he is one thing, to suddenly and out of the blue, turn him into something else.

They did it with the expectation of backlash and the first response back is, you are homophobic.

The whole thing is really clever actually.


How is him being gay turn his character upside down though?


I don’t care either way about this soldier thing, but i love these posts. Always asking for people to be more open minded, except if you have a different opinion, you are a homophobic then, so better leave the game. That word has been used for eveyone including rational posts, i don’t take seriously anyone throwing that word so lightly.


It is. What better way to spark more interest into the game, and have content creators advertise the heck out of it for you, while gaming news media outlets spin their wheels all at the same time, than to have the commanding officer of Overwatch be gay.


i do agree with this quite a lot.

There are tons of people who honestly say Homophobic too much


There was absolutely 0, objectively ZERO evidence confirming or even hinting at soldier being straight. No mention or hints at relationships with women anywhere. That is something you made up in your mind. Literally nothing about him was changed in any way.

Explain why. Gay people are not some gimmick that act a specific way. The only thing being gay affects is who you are attracted to. It has nothing to do with masculinity, personality, ideals etc. If you think he’s too masculine or whatever to be gay, that’s problematic and false thinking from your point.


it is bigoted to say everyone is bigoted


Some people can dislike said x gender lifestyle and not be a hater of those particular gender

Hate and dislike is not the same

Its like saying i dont listen to cardi b because i dont like that type of music that she do but i dont hate cardi b or any other female rapper!

people can have diff opinion but that does not mean its always hate or homophobic or whatever they want to call it.