Discount means lotta out of place level 25s soon

I’d recommend not paying comp for the next month or so. Blizzard in their infinite stupidity starts every level 25 in mid-gold, so if you’re silver gold or plat, you’re going to have many games ruined as these accounts hit 25.


Yeahhh between the actual new players and the flood of smurfs, comp is going to be a dumpster fire for a while now, which is sad because I really wanted to try and climb to diamond this season :frowning:


We still haven’t recovered from the last influx of smurfs. There have been throwing, trash-talking level 25s who hulk out and hard carry on their own whims to be found everywhere for months—and this is just what I encounter in seemingly every other game of QP. I can only wonder how bad it is in competitive.


63% off…come on plebs…go buy a new copy!


I reeeeeeally dont need a new alt, but if its that price then maaaaybeeee…

join the smurfs, and together we shall rule the ladder!


You and me both. Except my goal this season was to generate a replay code that didn’t say “-<0”…whatever “negative less than zero” even means? Is that their way of saying I’m asymptotically close to zero but still above zero? What rank is that even? I can’t even join LFG because I’m so far in the <500 toilet they’re afraid the 900sr crowd would work too hard to carry me.

Maybe I could help? :smiley:

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Today is moira 1 trick day we’ll see if my accuracy is good enough and we’ll see what kind of TTK breakpoints/interactions I get. Wouldn’t want there to be any DDA or smurfs (defined by their micro).

Why would I want to buy the same game for myself all over again??

I come from a generation where we ripped our games and burned copies to share with our family and friends. Bad, yeah, sure. But even today, I firmly believe buying one software copy is plenty and besides being ethical (and legal) it’s a smart way to spend one’s money.

Which is why it just blows me away to see people proudly boasting of owning 2-3 or MORE copies of the SAME game for their personal use. Just how—and when—have today’s game devs managed to manipulate their playerbase into believing it is better to buy multiple copies of their games, WANTING to buy multiple copies when they unable to, and bragging about it, when they do? Anyone that does this is literally just throwing money at a company without them even making any additional effort to earn it.

How can anyone seriously believe that throwing money at new accounts is supposed to change your experience for the better when you’re literally buying into the exact same thing? The worst part is that it just lets these game companies off the hook without even having to fix their own product since they know they can make easy money off a sizeable number of their fans who happen to have more money than sense. They may hear your complaints about problems with their game from all over the Web: the imbalance, the bugs, the unfairness of it all—but hey! Who cares! Just let them go buy another copy and watch them boast over social media about how they fixed their woes, and then enjoy the ripple effect as more foolish players try the same thing and repeat the cycle all over again! (For the devs, I’m sure this joke never gets too old to laugh at when checking up with the bank!)


Your daily urination costs more than a second copy of the game.


Ok. Please enlighten me. I’m sure this will be good.

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you wake up, check your phone (that costs money) walk into bathroom turn on light, turn on water to brush teeth, (those both cost money) take a p00p (costs money water) make coffee (costs money electricity - water heat) take shower/bath (self explanatory) open fridge - make breakfast) and you just bought a new copy of OW


My god- just what are your electric and water rates??


Pretty much….

Your cup of Starbucks (or favorite coffee joint here) with your strawberry scone

$6.50 + $2.00 = $8.50

You buy lunch from DcMonalds

You go to dinner with your home doggies (but opt not for the prime rib but rather just some decent ramen :ramen:)


Total daily expenditure = $21.50 (minimum).

Cost of extra copy of Overwatch: $15.00

Not sure…. We pay a fixed rate at the dorms.


Why are you so mean? You’re shaming someone just because they don’t want to buy a second copy of a game, grow up.


Imagine not being able to appreciate sarcasm.

You gonna have to start including “/s” or people might get all peepee hearted….


you are right, i should be more inclusive…plebs…LOL


There’s a fine line between sarcasm/banter and being an insufferable jerk.


I mean…. It’s the internet. Not a safe space.