Discord Quest for 5 Lootboxes

I’m not sure if anyone’s posted this yet, but there’s a discord quest for 5 free lootboxes. Go to discover to find it and activate it, it just wants you to play Overwatch for 15 minutes, then it will give you a code to redeem.


thank you. how to claim that box?

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Once you’ve completed the quest, press the claim button and it should give you a redeemable code that you can enter on the battlenet site. Close and reopen overwatch and your lootboxes should be there


I’ve done this and closed and reopened several times, even waiting like 20+ minutes between, and haven’t received any lootboxes… I’m putting in a bug report now

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Bump, thanks for the post!

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From discords FAQ, it says “Play the game for a specified time (e.g., 15 minutes). You must be logged into the Discord desktop app to track your progress.” If it’s not working, maybe try going to activity privacy and turning on the one that says share your detected activities with others. I have that on so I’m assuming that might help because it does keep track of the time played. Best of luck :saluting_face:

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My discord won’t even give me the code it just keeps loading


No need to enable that mine worked fine

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Thank you for clarifying! I wasn’t sure about that one :slight_smile:

Samee ,have you found a way to solve it ??

Im having a problem getting the discord to realize im on overwatch. BTW I play on the switch

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Here’s the link to Reddit post:

:small_orange_diamond:CordobezEverdeen (from Reddit) posted the instructions to get the 5 Discord LootBoxes:

  1. Open Discord.
  2. Go to User Settings
  3. Connections ---- Add Accounts ----- Battlenet account
  4. Accept everything until Battle.net is linked to Discord
  5. Discord User Settings again ----- Gift Inventory ----- View Quests
  6. Accept the OW 2 quest ----- Open my Overwatch 2 trough Steam ----- wait 15 minutes (altough as soon as you open OW you can already see the green circle in the quest starting to fill).
  7. Claim Reward ---- copy the code ----- go to https://shop.battle.net/
  8. Redeem code ---- paste the code ---- accept everything
  9. Profit.
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Seems like this mission expired earlier than expected? A bunch of websites say ends by 2/25/2025, but Discord says 2/24/2025. At the time of this reply, it is 10:34 pm EST on 2/24/2025, so the mission does NOT end at 11:59 pm EST or 2:59 pm EST? Is this a discord bug or was the mission scheduled to end a few hrs b4 midnight?

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it took me a day to get mine i think it server lag between discord and blizz

Yep same for me, I was planning on doing it tonight 2/24 but it already expired even though it was supposed to expire 2/25… great.


Yes why did this end early!!! I was gonna do this tonight when I got home, it’s not even the 25th yet and it’s expired already?? This is so bogus


The answer I got:

"This is Game Master Umkellxye, thank you for contacting Blizzard.

I understand that you are facing some challenegs regarding the Discord event that ended February 24, 2025 (11:59PM UTC).

From my investigation, I found that the event ended on the February 24, 2025 (11:59PM UTC). I recommend to check the below link for the forums. [insert link to THIS exact thread]"

These Discord missions end in UTC? NO website I looked at specified this deadline time

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They do a terrible job announcing these things…but I did manage to get it done (on my cousins comp - I’m out of country)

Speaking of not announcing…there’s a lifeweaver OWCS skin available on twitch…currently have the Thai stream on to accrue hours


I figured this would happen. It kept slipping my mind.
Oh well.
Would be nice if they reopened it for a few hours though.