Discord orb in OW2

Please nerf the discord orb for teammates in OW2.

Leave it the same for Zen but nerf it to 15% for teammates.


I think Discord should remain consistent.
Nerf Discord for everyone and buff the primary fire of Zen.

A nerf to Discord is actually needed. It’s easily abusable in 5v5.

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Discord is largely an issue for tanks without barriers or mitigation. Dva, doomfist, roadhog all melt under discord. Tanks either barriers or zaryas bubble dint seem to be having as much of an issue because they can use their barriers to stop taking damage. Roadhog, dva and Doomfist cannot.

Tank: Peak around the corner. bam Discord and Nade. Sigh, time to hide and wait then

Discord needs to be either removed or adjusted severely. I don’t think that any damage boosting ability belongs in OW2 simply because of less mitigation from shields. The TTK is ridiculously low as it is, any a lot of times you don’t even know which direction things are hitting you from, before you’re dead. As tank you can survive a few seconds, unless you’re naded and have that purple ball of unfun above your head, then you’re a micro second away from dead.

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Just give Tanks a passive that ignores half the effect of debuffs.

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You know blizzard wont listen to your reasonable ideas. Theyre gonna either ruin Zen or individually overbuff these tanks.

and implement another inconsistency… i dont like that =\

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really ? you’re crying about that debuff ? and not about the crappy damage the dps have ? literally another nerf to zen’s discord is going to render him useless.

Zen is the defining hero of the beta meta.

Oh well, the amount of people they’d lose to the compromises needed to make queue times good, is smaller than the player loss that bad queue times would cause.

This is an interesting idea, but what is a “debuff”? Remember how they had issues with keeping this consistent when experimenting with Moira’s Purge ability.

Well, Hack, AntiHeal, Necro to start with.

Basically a negative status effect that isn’t a knockback, slow, stun or sleep.

Why it may be ? because of the very high damage or because there are not so many shields anymore? they always cut the thread on the thinnest side the hero had almost no changes since ow 1 where he was one of the worst supports

If they don’t nerf the damage, they at least need to nerf the uptime for it.

I even advocated for it getting nerfed in OW1. 3 full seconds out of LOS to break it is ludicrous, especially when it doesn’t have a cooldown. It can easily be reapplied the moment you peek, and all it takes is a single pixel of your model to be on the zens screen for it to stay on you, resetting the 3 second timer.

I wouldn’t even care if they buffed it to so it could be applied while he charges his m2, as long as you can’t endlessly reapply it to the same target for free.

OW2 needs some balance changes to force more team oriented plays anyway - and a good way to do that is to force your Zen to have to communicate who he’s discording, as he won’t be able to whack it back on the same target every 2 seconds.

Honestly surprised they didn’t give discord orb a duration and a cooldown for OW2.

Not specifically shields, per se, but once discorded Dva, Roadhog and Doomfist all explode. They have no barrier to stop taking damage from, or bubble. Their tank abilities each still allow them to be damaged whereas a barrier doesnt. Matrix doesnt absorb any melee, laser or CC, power block is a joke and take a breather is more like take an antinade. The other tanks have a better chance, even Orisa.