Disconnects shouldn't be punished

Just want to focus on a couple of things here.

PUnishing people for leaving and then coming back and helping the team win decreases the percentage of competitive games that exist.

But not guaranteed. It’s like saying 3 or 4 DPS comps don’t win games, when sometimes they do. It boils down to how the players play.

There are methods that have been described within this thread to still deter players from leaving, but don’t punish them for coming back and helping their team win if they do.

It’s been said that Overwatch is a selfless game played by selfish people. I’m a pretty firm believer in this, and frankly the inclusion of Role Queue kind of seals that. With that in mind, the current leaver punishment system makes players selfish.

There are certainly players like you who will rejoin after being disconnected because you don’t want to hurt your team’s chances of winning, even if they were at a disadvantage. But there’s players like me who won’t rejoin after being disconnected because there’s nothing in it for me; if I’m not playing Comp with a group of friends, I will likely never play with that set of people again. I am guaranteed to lose 50 SR, even if I rejoin and our team wins. That line of logic doesn’t promote or reward teamplay or being a team player, and I certainly can find something to do for the remainder of the match and any minimal ban duration.

Again, I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be a strong deterrent for leavers, but there is an easy way to provide incentive for players to rejoin without benefitting said leavers.

  • If a player disconnects, then rejoins, and then the team Loses, -50 SR
  • If a player disconnects, then rejoins, then the team Wins, +Performance based SR starting from time of reconnection from below Diamond, or +12 SR at Diamond above.

Leavers that intend to disrupt are unlikely to rejoin a match. They also can’t abuse this since they won’t know when a match is ending, and even if they rejoin at the end of a match by chance, it’s doubtful their team will have won for a 5v6. This system doesn’t punish players as harshly for rejoining and winning. IT gives incentive to come back, which is something the current system Lacks.

Gonna pick apart things here a little.

This isnt a matter of frequency, but a rather a matter of principle.

Leavers could be a factor in only 1% of matches, but that doesn"t change the fact that if none of them return, you are screwed the few times it does come up.

Personally, I choose to believe that most of them are due to technical difficulties. I’d be glad to change that perspective if given reason to, but I honestly doubt that most people leave in the middle of a game just because they got upset or something, because no matter how you look at it, losing 50 SR ÷ getting a building suspension is worse than just losing maybe 25 SR. 3 years of playing the game in Gold and Plat, and I’ve only ever run into a single person who seemed to have ditched due to salt (but that was during a placement match, and those being worthless is a seperate discussion).

Even if they give up and choose to throw in the mean time, any semi-logical person would rather take the softer hit to their SR. And that’s exactly my point behind encouraging people to come back and help their teammates win again.

And they could help with reducing another uncontrollable factor, which is permanent leavers.

Again, this isn’t intended to reduce leaver games. They’ll happen regardless. But they can reduce the impact of some by getting people to rejoin afterwards. I fail to see a downside to that, assuming such a system is implemented properly.

It often is. Which is why I want 0 change to the policy if you lose. If you leave and cause truly irreversible damage, then by all means, give them the full punishment no matter what.

But there are exceptions, and some games are salvagable, especially if the player returns. Pushing people to try and make those exceptions and reverse that damage they initially caused isn’t a bad thing.

As I’ve stated before, this is where i disagree. If you make the assumption that most leavers are because something come up, then there isnt really any possible way to regulate and decrease that. Stuff happens, always will. But personally I feel that, in such a case, decreasing the overall impact of leavers becomes the more important goal.

Now, I’m not asking for anything extreme like buffing the teammates or giving a bot or anything. Instead I simply want a system where when given the question of “Should I return to help people out?” the choice is easy, consistent and positive (and unabusable).

Yea, definitely had to dip out to get some sleep before. Regardless, its been a pleasure, and should you end up not responding, have a good one.

Then whats the point of reconnecting then if you already lost -50 SR and even if you win is still count a lost for you and also you get the leaver punishment time on the searcher?

Once again the stupidity of this community amuse.

If someone has a crash/dc and comes back before the time expired shouldn’t be punished.

Disconnect should be punished just like leaving games overall are.

It’s not unfair either.

You can still win that -50 back just so you know.

Hell no its not. -50 sr & bans are there for a reason & wont go away. Even if you’d say how ‘‘harsh’’ they can be.

If you really dc this much, (cause 10 minutes isnt the 1st ban lenght you get), you should probs not play ranked / & get better internet.
Regardless if you can come back or not.