Disconnect from server and auto banned

So I get a message “disconnected from server” first time in 3 years of playing, my comp never disconnected from the internet all my other stuff was running, kicks me to the comp game login screen and im already banned, was like 15 seconds tops from when the game ran wonky to getting that error to screen. Shouldn’t I be able to reconnect to avoid the ban and rejoin my team? If this isnt a bug it needs to be addressed cause it just screwed my whole team out of their sr.


PLEASE fix this. For some reason Overwatch is the only game I ever d/c from, and it’s always momentary.

When it reconnects me 2 seconds later, I have to manually navigate back out to the main menu and hit rejoin there (since the comp screen shows me banned). Even when I rejoin and win these games I lose SR as though I was a hard leaver. Today I had the misfortune of d/c’ing right as the game was ending. -100 SR, 15 min ban. REALLY kills my morale and my will to play.

  1. Figure out what’s causing these random d/c issues - there are complaints all over the forum of people saying they only see it with Overwatch, like me.
  2. If a player d/c’s and comes back in, auto-rejoin them. Don’t make me click through 3 menus, one of which says I’m banned.
  3. If a player leaves and comes back in a reasonable timeframe (i.e. has an involuntary disconnect) don’t penalize them the same as someone leaving intentionally and permanently
  4. If a player has a disconnect at the end of the game, do not penalize them the same as someone leaving intentionally and permanently.

I know you have the mechanisms to detect when I’ve d/c’d vs intentionally left because I get a “you have been disconnected from the game server” message. Please figure this out.


This just happened to me too. I got the full punishment because it was at the start of the match. My internet didn’ t disconnect at all - I know because I am streaming something.


has happened to me multiple occasions. did it to me last night and lost almost about 100 comp points, really not fair when i get punished for afking in a game that i never got into because of the servers fault. pisses me off. tiredof waiting 20 minutes plus and losing lp

happened to me soo many times it really sucks… Why do the have to punish player that did not leave on purpose? how can they not able to differentiate between true quitter and us?

Blizzard, your Matchmaking service is Broken and you are penalizing your players. Please learn how to create a Queue and relocate the Queue with an Expanded search for a suitable server when your VM/Server is having hiccups.

Fix your matchmaker!!!