
Out of 498 skins we could have, not including team skins, I think people can live with not having access to 11 of them. :woman_shrugging:

I get exclusivity of pre-order Widow - early supporters of the game should be rewarded in some way. I get why, sadly, pink mercy might not come back - another organization was involved, some contract obligations were made. I get why the skin with some logo might not be available. But others? They’re just skins - let them be purchasable within events they’re been released for. They’re part of OWL event? Good let them be purchasable for OWL points, discount or not - Blizzard’s call. And COMMUNICATE. Diablo 3 community managers do a better job and that’s almost a dead game.


wow, petition. Looking at all those petitions that changed things

During the HotS event I just about killed my PC(console main) to get officer D.Va and Oni Genji(whom I do not even play) if I had known that they were just going to push the skins out anyway I would have just waited. The reason they pushed them out was because alot of people had life reasons for not being able to get Officer D.Va so by not putting out the all star skins it shows their hatred for Heros of the Storm


Exactly, the Widow Noire terms were set out plain as day. Pre-order bonus.

Pink Mercy was for a time limited charity drive. Easy, we knew what that was all about.

Unless these things are actually said to be time or event limited then it should be implicit that it will not be the only way that they will be available. Timed-exclusivity for things like the Sombra skin, sure thing. It’s clear what is going on there, that it will be exclusive for a period before being made publicly available.

For the all-stars? Hell, I don’t even really like them that much, but for my main I’d like to have the opportunity to actually pick them up. All-stars should be bigger and better every year. OWL skins should also really be available through the same bits incentives that they were last year.

The utter lack of communication doesn’t build hype, community goodwill or any kind of sense of exclusivity, simply a sense of apathy from the OW devs and decision makers towards the fans of their product, and that’s where the actual resentment and community driven feelings of ill-will come from.

Just tell us Jeff. It’s a minute out of your day and we’ll all be happier just knowing.

yup i learned that the hard way with blizzcon bastion and winston didnt follow blizzcon to know they where one time things from there on out i have followed and know better
i guess thats a lesson they have to learn now like i did lol

Honestly, everything Blizzcon has always been exclusive, and I do mean that literally, until 2018 where they made half of the loot only timed, which is why most people that got the ticket are mad. It’s the only year that has ever happened.

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Thank you for punishing me for wanting to be a customer. Good businesses do that.

It would be cool to bring them back each year when new ones come out. I don’t think that will happen though, the article says limited-time: All-Star Weekend: Custom Games and Legendary Skins - Article Metadata Detail | The Overwatch League

yea thats true and i learned that the hard way lol didnt know of the blizzcon events till after the 2017 event ended and how those skins worked lol. but i do like having skins no one has. the only thing i feel for the new players that just got the game and want those skins but then i also understand how exclusive work and how it feels to be the only one to have something and people be like yo look at that thats cool how u got that.

Even if the only way to have them available anyway was to buy them?

I’m not whining, but thank you for the accusation.
I don’t want them in default loot boxes. Good job making fun of that straw-man though. He didn’t see it coming!

Your tendencies are what screw things over for the rest of us. Being easily exploitable like that

And are you going to assert most people would do that?
What if they didn’t lower the price because, again, I never said they should lower the price.

You like making fun of straw-men.


I know buy now or never.
So uf I want thar skin in 5 years, i have to buy it now.
Exclusivity or limited time based gives me the you should buy this now, you maybe like/want it anyway in the future

Otherwise i could just buy it then when I think I want it. But if it was announced as limited time I’ve already wasted my tokens.

To be clear.
I am only against making a exclusive item, non exclusive afterwards.

And I’m not even 100% sure if they where called exclusive

Don’t forget one thing, you needed to BE in the game to purchase them, all the other skins were available outside of the game, so it’s (again) not the same thing

That doesn’t matter.

To celebrate the All-Star Game, we’re revealing two new legendary Overwatch skins: the 2018 Atlantic All-Star Tracer and the 2018 Pacific All-Star Genji. Both skins will be available for a limited time from August 17–27. Each skin is redeemable for 200* Overwatch League Tokens.

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Your point ?

They said they were limited, it doesn’t matter that you weren’t able to play the game at the time for whatever reason. It isn’t an OW event and they are under no obligation to bring them back because you have to be in-game to buy them.

But you need to BE in the game to buy them, so


All event loot boxes are also available for a limited time, yet they come back each year.

That doesn’t mean anything though, no matter how much you want it to.

Is each event dated and skin dated with a year like All Star 2018 skins? I don’t recall anything being Winter Wonderland 2016 specifically :thinking:

No, but your point was that it said “limited time”. Not “Once in a lifetime”.